When Livy O’Brien spies a young boy jostling a man walking along the boardwalk, she recognizes the act for what it is. After all, she used to be known as Light-fingered Livy. But that was before she put her past behind her and moved to the growing town of Chestnut, Illinois, where she’s helping to run an orphanage. Now she’ll do almost anything to protect the street kids like herself.
Sheriff’s deputy Jake Russell had no idea what he was in for when he ran into Livy–literally–while chasing down a pickpocket. With a rash of robberies and a growing number of street kids in town–as well as a loan on the family farm that needs to be paid off–Jake doesn’t have time to pursue a girl. Still, he can’t seem to get Livy out of his mind. He wants to get to know her better . . . but Livy isn’t willing to trust any man, especially not a lawman.
My take:~
Pam Hillman’s debut novel, Stealing Jake, is a little gem of a story and a credit to Pam’s talent as a writer. While a traditional Christian romance in many ways with a handsome and heroic lawman taken by a sweet young woman hiding her past, their attraction gentle and tender, Pam adds some grit with the story revolving it around street kids and their desperate will to survive. Both Livy and Jake have complex back stories which add much authenticity and interest to the storyline as their past experiences impact on their perception of each other which makes for genuine conflict and misunderstanding. The townsfolk and street kids add plenty of colour and interest. All in all, Stealing Jake is a delightful beginning to Pam’s writing career.
With thanks to Tyndale House from my review copy
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July 20, 2011 at 4:08 pm
I have this book waiting in the wings for when I get my Kindle in a few weeks. Sounds like it will be good!! Exciting times. 🙂
July 20, 2011 at 6:35 pm
Rel, so glad you enjoyed my debut novel, Stealing Jake.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
With the remake of True Grit, I'd like to think my characters have a bit of that grit about them.
Just latch on and not let go until the job is done.
Appreciate all you do to spread the word about Christian fiction!