The Reading Habits of Amanda Cabot and a giveaway

Amanda Cabot



The Reading Habits


Amanda Cabot




Are you a re-reader? Why, or why not? And if you are, what are some of the books you have read over and over?

I’m no longer a re-reader, simply because there are so many new books competing for my time, but growing up, I reread my favorite books so many times that they became a bit shabby from so much handling.  Those favorites included Little Women and the Anne of Green Gables series.

When is your optimal time to read – do you prefer to read in one long block, or do you also read for five minutes here or there when you can?

When’s the best time to read?  Any time!  I’d love to be able to read in long blocks, but reality is that my reading time is limited.  I read while I’m walking in the basement, which I must admit my husband considers a dangerous form of exercise – the reading part, that is.  I also read while I’m eating breakfast and then any other time during the day when I can eke out a few minutes.

I’d love your thoughts on novellas. Are you thumbs up or down? Or does it depend?!

As someone who writes novellas in addition to full length books, you’d probably expect a firm thumbs-up from me.  The truth is, it depends on the author.  But that’s the case with full length books, too, isn’t it?  I particularly enjoy novellas during the Christmas season when reading time is even scarcer than it is during the rest of the year.

Are you faithful to a genre, an author, or simply quality writing?

How about “all of the above”?  Because it’s what I write, I read extensively in the romance genre, both historical and contemporary, although I also enjoy mysteries, suspense and the occasional thriller, not to mention general fiction.  I also find myself drawn to specific authors who can be depended on to provide an enjoyable reading experience.  Quality writing is essential.  I can’t tell you the number of books I’ve put down after only a chapter or two simply because the writing wasn’t at the level I expected.

Which factors most influence your selection of a book?

The author first.  I have a number of “go-to” authors, but I’m always willing to try someone new.  That, of course, raises the question of how I decide to try a new author.  The answer: cover art.

Your fiction pet peeve?

Books that don’t resolve the story but force you to read the next book in the series.  When that happens, I feel as if the author has tricked me.  Not only do I not buy the next book in the series, I rarely buy anything else from that author.

What book have you read this year that you could not put down, and why?

I was fascinated by the world Thomas Locke created in Trial Run and couldn’t wait to see how he was going to get his characters out of some of the predicaments he devised for them.

How do you mark your spot – folded page corner, bookmark, dollar bill, whatever is at hand?

Bookmark! My friends know that I would never, ever fold a page corner, and so they’ve given me what’s now a nice collection of bookmarks.  The hardest thing is deciding which one to use.  I’ve included a picture of part of the collection so you can see just how difficult that decision is.


Whose debut novel impressed you more than you anticipated?

Susan Anne Mason’s Irish Meadows was marvelous!  I’d expected a typical historical romance, but it was much more than that.  Now I’m eagerly awaiting the next in the series.

When reading, what makes or breaks a story for you?

Two things: the calibre of the writing and the characters.  As I mentioned earlier, I have little patience for lackluster writing.  And unless I care about the characters from the first chapter, I won’t keep reading.

What are some of your favourite CF reads from around 10 years ago, or further back?

Oh, my – there are so many.  At the top of the list are Lynn Austin’s Refiner’s Fire series, Stephanie Grace Whitson’s Pine Ridge Portraits trilogy and Kathleen Morgan’s Brides of Culdee Creek series.

Snack/drink of choice while reading?

Yogurt and herb tea, but not together.

What book cover has really caught your eye?

There are so many wonderful covers, especially in the CBA, that it’s hard to pick only one, but if I had to choose one, it would be The Adventures of Geraldine Woolkins by Karin Kaufman.  This is an indie-published allegory that, while it’s targeted at children, is a story everyone can enjoy.  The cover caught my eye, and so while I don’t normally read children’s books, I had to buy this one.  The story is as good as the cover.

Which author makes it easy to turn off your internal editor?

Irene Hannon.  Her books, whether romantic suspense or women’s fiction, are so beautifully written that I can lose myself in them from the first line.

What book do you wish you had written? Why?

Since I’ve already admitted it’s one of my favorite books of all times, you won’t be surprised when I say I wish I’d written Little Women.  The reason?  Because it still touches readers, even though it was written almost 150 years ago.


Amanda’s TBR

You’ll notice that my TBR pile is shorter than you might expect.  That’s because the majority of it – literally hundreds of books – is on my e-reader.  That’s why I included the e-reader in the picture.

Thanks Amanda!

Be sure to discover Amanda’s latest novel…

On Lone Star TrailOn Lone Star Trail

If there’s one thing Gillian Hodge never wants to see again, it’s a man on a motorcycle. Her last encounter with one left her right hand crushed, ending her promising career as a concert pianist. But as she heads to Rainbow’s End Resort, a sudden thunderstorm causes a motorcycle to crash in front of her.

When TJ Benjamin’s wife died, he lost more than his best friend; he lost his faith. He’s spent the past year wandering the country on a motorcycle, trying not to think about his future. When he finds himself stranded with a busted bike and a reluctant rescuer, he has to wonder about God’s sense of humor.

Can this woman without a future and this man running from his past find romance in the present? Or are they too tied to the way life used to be?


Relz Reviewz Extras
Reviews of Summer of PromiseTomorrow’s GardenScattered Petals & Paper Roses
Character spotlight on Priscilla & Zach
Character spotlight on Sarah & Clay
Interview with Amanda
Visit Amanda’s website
Buy at Amazon: On Lone Star Trail or Koorong

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19 Responses to The Reading Habits of Amanda Cabot and a giveaway

  1. The novel that I have reread the most is ‘Anne of Green Gables’.

  2. Love Amandas books and the way she always shares her experiences in newsletter etc

  3. Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson. I just love it 🙂

  4. love good christian books. thanks

  5. Fun to know what you enjoy reading, Amanda.

  6. I’m not a re-reader other than with the Bible. In general though, I am not a re-reader because there are so many books on my TBR.

    I found Amanda’s Fiction Pet Peeve to be interesting.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. I am not typically a re-reader so I can’t really answer that question! The only book I have re-read, is my Bible. Our Pastor has a reading through the Bible in a year program that we do. I’m in my 5th year & I’ve learned so much more in that time! I love re-reading my favorite passages. Seems God gives me something new each time 🙂 I love that when He does that…don’t you?
    Amanda, I agree about the bookmarks! I have so many and it IS hard to choose which one to use. Some I have gotten from the authors so I use those in the books I have for them. Yours are beautiful, I can see why it’s hard for you 🙂 Thank you for the author interview. I love getting to know more about writers!

    Rel, I have a suggestion for you. Is it possible to add a “Notify me of future comments” (something like that) to these blog posts? I find it much easier to remember where I’ve been and I do also love to read other people’s comments! 🙂 I don’t know if that’s possible, but it would be nice. 🙂

    • Trixi » Hey Trixi – sorry it has taken so long for me to respond to this. Does the ‘subscribe to comments’ at the bottom of the comments section not work?

      • Hi Rel,

        I did see the notification that I had gotten a reply from you in my email. I just signed up to subscribe to comment by RSS feed (whatever that is). Maybe that made a difference?

  8. I don’t reread only because my TBR is so long it would take me 2 life times to read them all.

  9. Brittany Keating

    It’s not just one book but a series that I’ve reread more than anything. In high school, I read the Appomattox Saga series by Gilbert Morris so many times. I loved those books. I don’t reread books as much now, just because there are so many new books I want to read.

  10. Either The Chronicles of Narnia or Jane Eyre.

  11. I’m trying to remember a novel I’ve re-read in the past! Lately I haven’t had time, I have so many in my TBR stack. I would like to re-read Sirius Mitchell’s Flirtation Walk and Pepper Basham’s upcoming release A Twist of Faith.

  12. I am not a bug rereader because so many new books and so little time 🙂

  13. I have re-read several novels after waiting until the plot dimmed some for me, but for the life of me I cannot remember the names right now.

  14. I have several books I want to reread, but I currently am committed to working on my TBR pile.

  15. I haven’t reread any books in a long time, but back in the day I know I read through Jeanette Oke’s Love Comes Softly andCanadian West series several times.

  16. Connie Saunders

    Gone With The Wind is my all-time favorite and each time, I still wonder “What was Scarlett thinking?”

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