The Reading Habits of Tammy L. Gray (with giveaway)

IMG_3789 smallThe Reading Habits


Tammy L. Gray


Are you a re-reader? Why, or why not? And if you are, what are some of the books you have read over and over?

Yes. A great book can be enjoyed multiple times. Usually, if I re-read, it’s because a book is part of series and I want to go back and remember the beginning before I finish the end. But I’ll also re-read a great romance, or just amazing writing. Honestly, if I love the book, chances are, I’ll read it again. J

When is your optimal time to read – do you prefer to read in one long block, or do you also read for five minutes here or there when you can?

I usually always read before bed, and in that case it’s just small blocks of time. Now, if I have a book I’ve been looking forward to, then I set aside a chunk of time to read, since I know I’m not going to want to stop. Sometimes a new author will surprise me though, and a few minutes before bed turns into an all night reading marathon. Those are great nights, but not so great mornings.

I’d love your thoughts on novellas. Are you thumbs up or down? Or does it depend?

Thumbs down. I never read them, unless they are part of a series, but even then I’m usually disappointed. I love deep characterization and I find that difficult to achieve in a short book.

Are you faithful to a genre, an author, or simply quality writing?

All three! First, I’m faithful to authors. I have several one-click authors that rarely disappoint me. But if I’m in that waiting period between new releases, then I’ll usually try new authors in Contemporary Romance or YA, especially those recommended to me by friends. Third, Any book I pick up must be quality storytelling. Honestly, I can give a little on spectacular writing if the story sucks me in. But I don’t care how great the writing, if I’m bored, I’ll quit.

Which factors most influence your selection of a book?

Recommendations, usually, or a great premise. On a smaller scale, book covers and customer reviews, but those have been known to disappoint.

Your fiction pet peeve?

Oh, where to begin. 1. Heroines who faint or trip just so the hero can catch them. 2. Cheesy lines trying to be comedic. I’m very picky when it comes to humour. 3. Stiff, unnatural dialogue. 4. Pages of setting that have no purpose in the story. 5. Cliche shallow secondary characters. I’ll stop there, but I could go on and on.

What book have you read this year that you could not put down, and why?

A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah Maas. Because she’s a genus at storytelling and all her characters are outstanding. Plus, it was the last book in the series so I was pretty invested when I started.

How do you mark your spot – folded page corner, bookmark, dollar bill, whatever is at hand?

I read from my Kindle app, so no bookmark required.

Whose debut novel impressed you more than you anticipated?

Hmmm. I don’t read a lot of debuts, but I think Kept by Sally Bradley was impressive. It was very different story within the Christian genre and kept me reading til 1 am the night I started it.

When reading, what makes or breaks a story for you?

Dialogue. And I can usually distinguish a great book from a bad one in less than 10 pages.

What are some of your favourite CF reads from around 10 years ago, or further back?

Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers is still my favourite of all time. I also loved the O’Malley Series by Dee Henderson. I don’t have any from ten years ago, because I abandoned the genre when Amish took over. I’ve only recently returned to reading CF because it finally feels as if there has been a rebirth of authentic, quality writing. I think this next generation of CF will be outstanding.

Snack/drink of choice while reading?

Coffee. I don’t really eat while I read.

What book cover has really caught your eye?

Shadow of the Storm by Connilyn Cossette is one of the most stunning covers I’ve ever seen. I also think True to You by Becky Wade is gorgeous. In general, I find that Bethany House leads the market when it comes to fabulous book covers.

Which author makes it easy to turn off your internal editor?

Haha. Not sure I ever turn off my internal editor. I’m always looking to learn and even a great book will have me taking notes.

What book do you wish you had written? Why?

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. Because the writing was the best I’ve ever read. And the story had a twist I absolutely did not expect, and that’s rare.

Thanks Tammy!

Be sure to get your hands on a copy of Tammy’s latest novel…

My Unexpected Hope fnl

After a year of grieving her divorce and living a life permanently stuck on pause, Laila Richardson is finally ready to have her own happy ending. Then a listing for a quaint cottage in another town answers her prayers for a fresh beginning—one that will bring her closer to her new boyfriend, Ben. Unfortunately, in her small town of Fairfield, Georgia, letting go of the past is virtually impossible. No one wants to see her move on, including the man who destroyed her heart to begin with.

Chad Richardson has spent years in misery but finally has his life on somewhat stable ground. When he learns his ex-wife is dating, he knows it’s time to go back and fight for the life he abandoned. Bolstered by his newfound sobriety, Chad has every intention of winning back the woman he loves, even if that means facing old demons that are waiting for him to fail.

Passions run deep as two souls searching for a second chance find the courage to let go of old patterns. Can they recognize that their dreams are still possible, even when forged from a broken past?

Tammy L. Gray writes modern Christian romances with true-to-life characters and culturally relevant plotlines. She believes that hope and healing can be found through high-quality fiction that inspires and provokes change. Writing has given her a platform to combine her passion with her ministry. She lives in the Dallas area with her family. They love all things Texas, including the erratic weather patterns. Visit her online at

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31 Responses to The Reading Habits of Tammy L. Gray (with giveaway)

  1. I hope to see more dystopian novels from the Christian sector. Anomaly is one of my favorites!

  2. I still love historical, especially western expansion. I also hope to see authors staying true to the calling of writing Christian fiction not just fiction.

  3. I appreciate writing that is full of depth of character, a bit of intrigue, true to life experiences and struggle, and the hope of healing and redemption. Tammy’s book caught my eye, it’s on my wish list. 🙂

  4. I, too, still love historicals. My favorite authors still wow me with their new books. So I guess just keep up the good writing!

  5. Janet Estridge

    As I get older, I’m afraid that in the next 10 years, I will be reading only Large Print books. I love to read and don’t know what I would do, if I couldn’t.
    Thanks for introducing me to a new author.

  6. danielle hammelef

    I’m seeking more books about how fictional Christian characters discover Jesus and see God working in their lives in ways that I would find believable.

  7. I’m looking forward to reading more Christian fiction novels that have depth to them. If there is suspense and mystery thrown in, than so much the better! Occasionally I enjoy lighter reading, but I enjoy reading a novel that challenges me in my walk with Jesus.

  8. Deanne Patterson

    I look forward to more of what I read now. Christian fiction that is realistic with good Christian values present.

  9. I think Christian fiction is getting better. There seem to be more excellent authors writing CF. I love historical fiction and contemporary fiction with some romance thrown in. Tammy L. Gray, Amy Matayo, Catherine West, and Katie Ganshert among others, have been tackling some tough issues and doing a great job. I love their writing. There are also a lot of other authors that I enjoy that write a little lighter stories–Kara Isaac, Becky Wade, Melissa Tagg. Historical fiction is going strong, too, with Jody Hedlund, Joanne Bischof, Kristy Cambron, and many more wonderful authors. I’m excited for Christian fiction in the next decade.

  10. Love your books!!!

  11. I agree with Tammy that this latest generation of CF writers are really outstanding. CF is featuring better written and researched stories and also much more authentic characters with real human failings. I’m so pleased to see this happening and I really think self/indie publishing is helping with this. Tammy was one of the first indie Christian authors I discovered and fell in love with which encouraged me to start seeking out other lesser know names in CF.

  12. I would like to see more historical stories in the Christian book genre.

  13. Christian fiction books have come such a long way in the past 20 years that I really have no idea where they will be in the next 20! I love what I’m reading these days. We have some really good authors out there. I only hope the publishers can make it through these tough times of trying to sell paper books.

    If anything, I’d love to see more Young Adult/Teenage girl books out there that the girls actually WANT to read. It seems to be a genre that is lacking in good authors/books.

    • I agree. General market YA titles are getting more and progressive. Often full of agendas. I too would love to see a broader YA option.

  14. I want to find the kind of grace & hope filled fiction I love reading. With characters who deal with real life messes, but turn to the Lord in their troubles and find their strength in Him. Those are encouraging to me and help me in my own walk with the Lord!

    I’d like to see more YA too. Not for me, but for young men & women who can read something without say, vampires and zombies and things! Something uplifting and encouraging that can get down on their level. Too much other fantasy/supernatural type books with the wrong kind of worldly spiritual messages in them!

    Thanks for the fun interview and giveaway chance Rel!

  15. You are a new author to me, and I would love to win your book. It sounds great. Enjoyed the interview.

  16. I would love to see more historicals. While I enjoy historical romance, I like a true historical even better. I tend to learn something new with almost every historical or historical romance novel I read. Love that!

    I’ve not yet read any of Tammy’s novels. Thank you for the chance to win!

  17. I have to say within the past two years, Christian fiction has really upped its game. The diverse selections are like a buffet (leave it to me to work in food) where you can pick a more ‘spicy’ selection that’s outside the norm or comfort zone, or something with a little more spiritual meat that has you rethinking some prevalent issues we are dealing with today, or you can head straight to the lighter fare that still holds a strong message. I am SUPER excited to see what the next 10 years hold for Christian fiction that will challenge, engage, enlighten and always leave me wanting to get back in that buffet line for more. Of course, I’m ALWAYS wanting more medieval romances! Pointing at you, Tamara Leigh! With several side dishes (back to food again!) of Zulu, pretty please with a cherry on top, Mrs. Kendig 🙂

  18. “…in the next decade, what kind of stories are you looking for from Christian writers?”

    Faith lived by example – not preachy or overpowering the story. Real authentic characters – not simplistic.

    And thanks for asking – Love the intro to author and writing – added to my tbr shelf 😉

  19. Authenticity and grittier characters!

  20. First, I love every one of your books and continue to recommend them to all of my family as well as friends. As I read your blog, I smiled when I saw you refer to Dee Henderson’s O’Malley series which I read years ago and loved, as well as Francine Rivers’ Mark of the Lion series which was amazing. You also mentioned Becky Wade who is another favorite author for me and some of my adult daughters. I have Sarah Maas’ and Victoria Aveyard’s books that you mentioned and now will move them up on my reading list.

    I have to ask you another question. I have been waiting for an update on the “Circle of Friends.” Any news on that…?

    Thanks for sharing your heart in your books! ~ Pat

    • Hi Pat! I’ve been too busy with writing and the launch to upload a new chapter but soon! Thanks for reading!

  21. Love your books,would love to win

  22. I just read the first book from you as an author and am on the second in the Bentwood series. I really enjoyed the first and love the second so far. You are a very talented writer. I like the story lines, the characters and how they develop throughout the books, and the books keep my attention and wanting more. I don’t know when the 3rd book is coming out, but I will definitely want it. I purchased 2 other of your books, so I will be reading them next. I always enjoy finding a great Christian author, and you are on my list now. Thank you.

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