The Sweet Finale by Susan May Warren (with giveaway)

The Writer & her Book (9)

Super excited that beloved author, Susan May Warren, is joining me today to talk about the grand finale of her epic romantic adventure Montana Rescue series! Wait for Me, as the title implies, has been long awaited and anticipated by readers of this series as it is the sixth and final book with Pete and Jess finally getting their tale told. I thought I’d ask Susie what it’s like to write the final story and have it released into readers hands. Enjoy! And thanks to Revell, I’m giving away a copy of Wait for Me via the Rafflecopter form below.

Over to you, Susie May…and congratulations on release day!


I really hate this part. Actually, I have a love/hate relationship with it, because on the one hand, I know it’s time, I’ve done my job, and everyone will be Just Fine.

On the other hand, I’ll miss the voices, the crazy troubles, the sense of belonging.

Wait…I’m not talking about the Empty Nest.  That moment when you push your little eaglets out of the nest and hope they fly. Or maybe I am, because this happens in the life of every author…

The end of the book. And for a series author…the end of a series.

PicMonkey Collage

It’s painful. You hang around your beloved characters for six books, help them through their problems, give them their true loves and see them grow from broken to beautiful. And then, suddenly, the last book shows up and you have to let them go.

But it’s also joyous. Because if you’ve done your job, everyone will live happily ever after.

(Unless, of course, you decide to bring them back for a cameo or two in future books.)

One of the questions I get a lot is, do you plot your series? Do you know how your characters are going to change and grow?

Yes and no. Before I write my series, I sit down and develop my cast of characters—even some of the minor characters who I know will show up consistently, even if they don’t have a point-of-view. I use a technique called The Story Equation, which helps me understand their fears, wounds, lies, skills, goals and secret dreams. This gives me enough information to allow my characters to walk on the page fully formed, even if this particular book isn’t about them.

Then, I plot the series arc—meaning, I ignite the first story with an overall problem that will be solved throughout the series. For example, in my recent Montana Rescue series, the PEAK Team of Search and Rescuers bore the collective wound of not finding a lost girl in Glacier National Park years ago. This missing girl was the beloved niece of one of the main characters and the search for her reignited in book one and continued with new clues and finally a twist and a happy ending by the final book. This search was not the main plot of every book, but worked to push the readers into every book by adding more intrigue.

I don’t get too crazy with the plotting of the series arc…I simply know what step in the plot each book will take. I then create a series grid that I refer to as I write:

Title Setting/Date Hero/Heroine Subplot H/Hn Book Plot Series Plot

As the series develops, I also keep track of what happens with each character—how they grow, what they learn, their romance developments and anything else I need to remember:

Character Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 5 Book 6
Pete Intro to his character—

Likes Jess, but under the radar. A bit of a playboy.

Brother to Main POV…


Decides to

Pursue Jess.

Reconciles with Brother.

Wants to become an incident commander.

Pines for Jess. Discovers the truth about Jess. Decides to leave (since he can’t have her) and become an IC for the Red Cross. Near death experience sends him home. Is in love with Jess. Pursues Jess…nearly a happy ending. Jess leaves him. Working SAR for Red Cross…

Shows up at a tornado site. Is angry and alone (no Jess). Reconnects with Team.

Is trying to move on. Comes home for a wedding. Discovers Jess is in trouble. Vows to save her, even if he loses his heart.

Of course, I let that character take on his own journey, but if I have a rough idea of where I want him to go I can guide and direct him. (Like any good parent!)

By the time the series ends, I know these characters like I know my own children (okay, maybe better!)

The key to writing a great series finale is simply to make sure all the threads you’ve started are wrapped up. All the questions answers. The series arc is completed, each character had found their true loves and has achieved their secret desire. I show them living in their happy ending, working through current problems and ending in a way that the reader can see a good future for them.

And then, I leave the reader with something unexpected, but completely satisfying. Something that makes my own heart glad.

So, saying goodbye to the Montana Rescue team is tough…I love Ian, Sierra, Sam, Gage, Ty, Pete and Jess. But they’re ready to fly.

Check out the finale book — Wait for Me!

Thank you for having me!

Susie May

Always a pleasure, Susie 🙂 Thanks for sharing with us today.

Be sure to join Susie tonight (or noon Melbourne time today for my Australian friends!) at her Montana Rescue Book Club Party & Wait for Me Launch as she talks to us LIVE on her FB page. Sign up for prizes, here!

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Visit Susie’s website and blog
Buy from Amazon: Wait for Me or Koorong

RR Giveaways (45)

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23 Responses to The Sweet Finale by Susan May Warren (with giveaway)

  1. I love a good Susan May Warren book! While I haven’t read any of this series, I’ve had my eye on them. Troubled Waters appeals to me the most!

  2. This has been a wonderful series! My mom and I are sharing and she just said yesterday, “When is that next book coming out?”! Thanks for writing!

  3. I am not very familiar with this series, but I think I like the cover of Rescue Me.

  4. I’ve read them all and am anxiously awaiting and dreading the final book (insert sobbing here). My favorite character has been Ian throughout. Hot millionaire who looks like THAT? Yes ma’am….my favorite indeed. Sure he has some great qualities (i.e. loyalty, compassion, driven, etc.), but I’m being totally shallow and am not afraid to admit it :-).

  5. Hi Rel,
    I guess if I have to pick only one character from the series, it would be Sierra.
    Why not one of the guys?
    Well, because YES they are all fantastic and larger than life, but I really like Sierra because she has a servant’s heart. Always working behind the scene providing for other’s needs. Quietly, not needing to be in the limelight.

  6. Hi Rel,
    I guess if I have to pick only one character from the series, it would be Sierra.
    Why not one of the guys?
    Well, because YES they are all fantastic and larger than life, but I really like Sierra because she has a servant’s heart. Always working behind the scene providing for other’s needs. Quietly, not needing to be in the limelight.

  7. OOPS, didn’t mean to post my response twice!

  8. Can’t wait to read the last one!

  9. I think Ian is my favorite but it’s hard to choose!

  10. I’ve loved all of them in some way, but I think that Ben and Pete are my favorites with Gage as a close second! Really, though, they’re all wonderful stories, and that’s why we love you, Susan!

  11. I’ve done something rather unusual with this series. I’ve read them all out of order!! Ian and Sierra’s story arc is probably my favorite, but Pete and Jess run a close second.

  12. I haven’t read any of the Montana Rescue series…yet! They are on my TBR list, for sure! I LOVE Susan May Warren’s books. She is one of my favorite authors! As for which cover appeals to me most, I think I will have to go with Storm Front (swoony sigh). 🙂 Thank for the chance to win ‘Wait for Me’!!!

  13. Danielle Hammelef

    I haven’t read these books yet. My favorite cover is Rescue Me.

  14. I’ve read and enjoyed the first five in the series. Picking a singular favorite character…um nope not going to happen. My favorite couple has been Pete and Jess.

  15. I have read of the series but last book and hope to win it here! I loved the series. I like Jess…all the characters are great though.

  16. I haven’t read any of this series, but I really like the Wild Montana Skies cover.

  17. Kathleen Newberry

    I haven’t read this series, But Wait for me looks really good. I have a question, do the books need to be read in order?

  18. I’ve read books 1-5, own 1-3, totally need 4-6, and can’t wait to get my hands on “Wait For Me”. 😀 I really like Ian and Sierra’s story, but since I haven’t read “Wait For Me” and don’t know how Pete and Jess’s story wraps up I can’t pick a favorite.

  19. I have been waiting for Jess and Pete’s story! This has been such a fun series. As for a favorite, I don’t think I can pick just one. I feel like each set of characters and their story/romance has set the stage for others. You get close to everyone, and I am sad to see it all end.

  20. I have enjoyed the scenic location of the story, as I have read 3 of the books, with the first two my favorites thus far.

  21. I have read the whole series so far except for Wait For Me, and I really really can’t pick a favorite! I really enjoyed them all and although I’m looking forward to finally reading Wait for Me, I am sad to see the series end. Thanks for a wonderful world, Susan May Warren!!

  22. I’m looking forward to binge reading this series! Storm Front is my favorite cover. 🙂

  23. I haven’t read this series, but it looks really good. Wild Montana Skies and Troubled Waters are the most appealing book covers to me.

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