The treasure goes to…

Nolene ~ congratulations!

Thanks to all of you who joined in the fun 🙂
I hope those of you who missed out will not make me walk the plank!

I will have to think up some other ideas for future contests which are in the pipeline.

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3 Responses to The treasure goes to…

  1. Sorry to be scarce!! Thanks for your comments–I only just read them because I had forgotten to set that blog up to notify me of comments…fixed now! 🙂 I hadn’t entered for this book because I don’t like to start reading partway through a series. lolAs for KK books, the one I was disappointed in was, um, A Thousand Tomorrows. Mainly because her books are always such faith-wrestling ones (and that’s what I love) but that one was basically secular and I was bitterly disappointed. 🙂 A sequel, hey? I’d still read it! Wanna lend it? 😉I’m looking forward to reading Lights of the Veil and you’ve just shocked me by telling me that author has passed on–I had no idea!!!!!!!

  2. That’s funny 🙂 As I asked my question I wondered if it would be A Thousand Tomorrows – LOL! I think you would enjoy the sequel – there was more spirituality in it although probably not as much as her others. She is trying to extend her market and that way those readers would then read her other books!

  3. I’m so excited!! Thanks for the book Narelle.

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