Top 12 Reads, 2020 ~ Rel & Necee

I’ve gone wild in 2020 and instead of a Top 10, I’m doing a Top 12. The reason…aesthetics!! I love groups of 3 covers and only choosing 10 would have left me with an odd one out, so 12 it is 😉 Please note these are books I have read in 2020 – not all are 2020 releases.

As with every year, the challenge is real! As soon as I finished this post, I realised I’d left out Natalie Jenner’s The Jane Austen Society, Clarissa Harwood’s Impossible Saints, Courtney Walsh’s A Match Made at Christmas, and Erin Bartel’s The Words Between Us and no doubt, they are the first of many I will have forgotten I loved a great deal.

Having read hundreds (literally) of books 2020, the ones I’ve chosen are books that brought me joy, delight, challenge, encouragement, and/or kept me riveted and enthralled.

Necee has been kind enough to include her Top 12 reads, too. No surprise there are a few we have both chosen!

I hope you enjoy our recommendations – we’d love for you to share some of your top reads for 2020 in the comments.

Wishing you and yours a joyous new years eve as it is already 31st January here in Australia. See you in 2021!

Rel’s Top 12 Reads

Gentleman Jim by Mimi Matthews
Fair as a Star by Mimi Matthews
Reckless by Tamara Leigh

The Holiday Husband by Jenny B. Jones
Lu. by Beth Troy
Start with Me by Kara Isaac

Dawn of Vengeance by Ronie Kendig
Soul Raging by Ronie Kendig
Things We Didn’t Say by Amy Lynn Green

Shades of Light by Sharon Garlough Brown
Whose Waves These Are by Amanda Dykes
Love and a Little White Lie by Tammy L. Gray

And because I can’t help myself, here are three books releasing in 2021 that I’ve had the privilege to read and are so outstanding, I needed to mention them! Be sure to pre-order these exceptional stories!

Cast the First Stone by David James Warren (special preorder price – only $4.99)
All That Really Matters by Nicole Deese (get 40% off & free shipping at
Everything Behind Us by Jennifer Rodewald (currently only 99 cents if you preorder!)

Necee’s Top 12 Reads, 2020

A Girl’s Guide to the Outback by Jessica Kate
The Way of the Brave by Susan May Warren
Stay with Me by Becky Wade

Hadley Beckett’s Next Dish by Bethany Turner
Start with Me by Kara Isaac
The Price of Dreams by Toni Shiloh

Dawn of Vengeance by Ronie Kendig
Some Bright Someday by Melissa Tagg
The Last Shot by Amy Matayo

Beach Haven by TI Lowe
Heartless by Tamara Leigh
Soul Raging by Ronie Kendig

What are some of your top reads from 2020?

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30 Responses to Top 12 Reads, 2020 ~ Rel & Necee

  1. Thank you so much, Rel. I’m honored The Holiday Husband made the cut. Your book shares and encourgement are blessings in a blech year. ❤️❤️

  2. Thank you, Rel and Necee! How inspiring to see both Heartless and Reckless made your lists and to be in such wonderful company. Wishing you and yours a blessed 2021.

  3. Eight of yours were on my list also. I have read over 200 books so I could not do a best ten or even twelve. I picked great books by genre.

    • I agree, it’s hard. I read over 250 books in 2020 which surprised me as my reading time was so limited. I’ve only counted the books I’ve read the last two years, so I must have read a lot more in the past – LOL!

  4. Thank you so much!

  5. I’m not too analytical, so I can’t say why exactly, but I think Love and a Little White Lie stood out most to me this year. “Waves,” I read early in the year. That book had a huge emotional payoff for me. Just wow. I read Morning Gift with Rachel’s Readalongs. That was thrilling. Something about Saturday Night Supper Club hooked me. Her goal seeking and the intellectual hero, I think. The Austen Escape was funny and sweet, gave me nostalgia for Jane and gave me another intelligent hero. I probably laughed most at Just between You and Me – Jenny B Jones. (It’s now dawning in me I like smart guys.) Jenny’s Sugar Creek Christmas was also my favorite Christmas novella.

    Lots more to say, as you mentioned. It was a year for the books, indeed! So grateful for these stories that protect my heart and mind space. Thanks for the wonderful recs this year, Rel. Blessings for 2021!

    • Julia! I absolutely LOVED that you read and love Morning Gift with my readalong!!!! I love that book!!

    • Yep, I’m with you on smart guys, Julia! And intelligent writing. It’s why I love Carla’s writing. Have you read Kristen Heitzmann’s books? If not, you MUST read Freefall and her A Rush of Wings series. Two words for you…MORGAN SPENCER 😉

      • I just found a copy of a Kristen Heitzmann book for $3! It’s from Rocky Mountain Legacy series. It’s called “Honor’s Quest.” But I’ll find this Morgan, if it’s the last thing I do.

  6. Oh wow. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I’m delighted Marco edged into your lists with Leif to stand tall among some mighty fine titles. THANK YOU. What an honor, Ladies!


  8. You both have some great books on your lists. I’d also add Amy Matayo’s A Painted Summer and Christmas at Gate 18 to the list. (I’m a little late to her more recent books.)

    Love and a Little White Lie blew me away. I’m waiting for the second in that series to come out.

    Anything Jenny B Jones writes is worth the read! Big fan.

    Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese has also stuck with me.

    Oh, and I read Off-Script and Over Caffeinated by Kaley Rhea early in the year. Love, love, love that book!

  9. Lu. and Shades of Light are at the top of my list. Loved ’em both!

  10. Love reviewing both of your lists! I see some that I’ve read and others on my TBR. And a few I’ve never heard of! Thanks for sharing your favorites from 2020.

  11. I’m a little speechless to see Everything Behind Us up there. Thank you, Rel! Happy New Year!

  12. Not surprisingly, I’ve read just about every one of these books, and you’ve definitely picked some winners!

  13. So glad to see Lu made the list – thank you for sharing with your readers!

  14. Adding a bunch of these to my wishlist! I hope they’re available at the library.

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