Winter Warm Up Winners & more

Well, it has taken me almost two hours to collate and number everyone’s entries (including all the addtional entries for following me, etc) and then using the random number genearator to select the winner! I am thrilled to announce the winners of the Aussie Winter Warm Up are:~

The Inheritance ~ WendyB

Beloved Captive & Daisy Chain ~ Naomi

Where the Heart Leads ~ southeastcountrywife

Sweetwater Gap ~ Heather

Wounded ~ Nolene

Kiss Me If You Dare ~ Leola

Against All Odds ~ HeatherH

Stepping Into Sunlight ~ LouiseV

Certain Jeopardy ~ Allison

A Flickering Light & It Happens Every Spring ~ JennyB

The Centurian’s Wife ~ Chloe-Anne

Gatekeepers ~ Danielle

Havah ~ Angela

Michal & Double Minds~ Tracy

Farraday Road ~ Laetitia

Dark Pursuit ~ ad

Finding Father Christmas ~ Jaana

More winners…..

Deadlock ~ Davo

And still more….winning a copy of each Scrapping Plans and Perfect Piece….

Aussie winners ~ alihsee & Jen

US winners ~ abi & carmen7351

PLEASE NOTE:~ winners will receive an email shortly and must respond by email with their mailing address within 7 days to claim their book/s. If I do not hear from you within 7 days I will draw another name to win that book.

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16 Responses to Winter Warm Up Winners & more

  1. Ooh,this is a bit exciting!!

    It must have been huge for you to coordinate all that — bravo!

  2. How exciting!!! I love Christmas (books)!!! Thank you!!!!

  3. I didnt win which is fine with me but am glad two girls I sent your way did. well done to all winners.

  4. Thank you Rel. I am very excited 🙂 Will see you soon.

  5. Yahoo Thanks rel. Do you still need my address or do you have it?

  6. thanks so much!! I am looking forward to the read.

  7. Muchas gracias.

  8. Thanks Rel- you do an awesome job! We all really appreciate it.

  9. Yippee. The ones on the top of my wish list. Thanks Rel. I am very happy. When am I seeing you next???? Love Jen

  10. Looking forward to getting lost in Robert's book, thanks Rel.

  11. Wahoo! Thanks Rel. I didn't envy you the task of collating all the entries! Thanks again.

  12. Oh wow, can't believe I won! I am sooooo excited. Thank you so much Rel, for the incredibly generous offer and hard work collating the comp. Hugs, JennyB

  13. I'm so glad to have won Havah, thanks so very much. See you soon.

  14. Thanks so much for both the book and your hard work. Wendyb

  15. Thanks Rel – am looking forward to receiving my book. I think you have my home address. 🙂

  16. thanks heaps rel, can't wait!!

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