300 posts and a winner!

I never imagined when I started this blog that I would have reached 300 posts in a year ~ I am shocked to think that is nearly one a day! It has been a lot of hard work but much fun getting to know some of you who read my blog – I am humbled that you do ~ thank you 🙂

On another note, congratulations to tetewa for winning the copy of The Meeting of Anni Adams. It will be on its way soon.

More giveaways to come so keep visiting and posting – I love reading your thoughts!

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6 Responses to 300 posts and a winner!

  1. You’ve got one of the best blogs I know of, Rel – and you write such eloquent reviews. Thanks for sharing your love of Christian fiction with the world through cyberspace. Love ya, girl! *hugs*

  2. Yeah I really love your blog too and I am amazed that you only have 300 hits. There must be some mistake. Your blog is fantastic.

  3. actually i think meant she has posted 300 entries to her blog. i’m sure she’s had about 300,000 hits, i visit like about 5 times a day myself lol.

  4. Jen – you are a sweetheart, thanks for your encouragement!Naomi – thank you 🙂 I’m so thrilled you enjoy it and yep, Deb is right!Deborah – yep, 300 blog entries and I visit you all the time, too 🙂

  5. We LOVE you Rel and the hard work you do!

  6. your hard work is paying off. The blog looks really nice too.

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