Character Spotlight ~ Amy Wallace’s Michael Parker and Hanna Kessler

Today the spotlight shines on…………………….. Michael Parker and Hanna Kessler

Amy Wallace is a wonderful author and a kind and giving person! Her latest novel, Enduring Justice, is outstanding, tackling the difficult issues of abuse, racism and the desire for justice with compassion and directness. Amy’s characterisation is impeccable and you will love the insight she gives below on Michael and Hanna ~ look for my review of Enduring Justice tomorrow as part of Amy’s book tour, with a brilliant giveaway!

Thanks, Amy:~

Brief physical description

Michael Parker is about the same height as Steven, blond with chocolate brown eyes and he’s solid muscle. He’s also the youngest of the CACU agents at twenty-nine.

Justin Bruening as the new Knight Rider is a close match for Michael.

Hanna Kessler is blond, blue-eyed and the tallest female of the group at 5’ 9”. And while Michael sure thinks she’s gorgeous, Hanna has never believed that about herself and carries a sadness in her eyes that no one in her family understands.

A blond Reese Witherspoon is as close as I’ve seen an actress resemble Hanna.

Strengths and weaknesses

Michael’s strengths are his intelligence and deep contemplation of everything. He’s also very outspoken and honest. His weaknesses are his temper and impulsiveness.

Hanna’s strengths are her creativity and love for her family. Her weaknesses are found in wanting to stay hidden and a deep fear of truly being known.

Quirk (if any)

Michael’s quirks are always having his nose in a computer and revving his black Mustang when he’s upset. He also likes to air band to his favorite 90s alternative rock.

Hanna’s quirk is always sneaking up on her brother Steven. I loved when she’d do that. Plus, for as much as she thinks she’s weak, she’s strong enough to put her brother in his place when he gets too overprotective.

Your inspiration for the character

Michael was originally just a rookie Steven took under his wing. But the more Michael crept into the stories, the more I wanted to understand how a new believer would tackle killing someone in the line of duty and standing up to a boss he respects when he falls for Steven’s sister. Michael is the character I most hope becomes my son-in-law someday. He’s flawed and a bit on the wild side, but he’s honest and open and eager to grow in his faith. I also love how he treats Hanna, like she’s a treasure.

The inspiration for Hanna came from my story more than any of the other characters. On the surface, we’re nothing alike, but she has traits and abilities of people I love dearly. On the inside, we’re very much alike, so much so it hurt to write her sometimes. But I loved how God took what appeared to be a weak and timid person and showed me the diamond He sees. So even more than my story, God’s healing hand and strength were my inspirations for Hanna.

Background to the story

Hanna Kessler’s childhood secret has remained buried for over two decades. But when the dark shadows of her past threaten to destroy those she loves, Hanna must face the summer that changed her life and the man who still haunts her memories.

As a Crimes Against Children FBI Agent, Michael Parker knows what it means to get knocked down. Difficult cases and broken relationships have plagued his entire year. But when the system fails and a white supremacist is set free, Michael’s drive for retribution eclipses all else.

A racist’s well-planned assault forces Hanna and Michael to decide between executing vengeance and pursuing justice. The dividing line between the two is the choice to heal. But when the attack turns personal, is justice enough?

Fabulous, Amy! Thank you once again for spending time here at Relz Reviewz 🙂 We love your books and you!

On Thursday, I will be spotlighting Cheryl Wyatt’s pararescue jumper, Ben Dillinger, from her latest release, Ready Made Family – lots of fun!

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Visit Amy’s website and blog

Buy Amy’s books at Amazon or Koorong

Check back tomorrow for my review and giveaway!

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One Response to Character Spotlight ~ Amy Wallace’s Michael Parker and Hanna Kessler

  1. Thanks so much, Rel! You’re such an awesome encouragement. And I love the pictures too. 😉 Gotta love Michael’s Mustang. LOL

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