Character spotlight ~ Eric Wilson’s Cal Nichols

Today the spotlight shines on…………………………Cal Nichols

When I asked novelist Eric Wilson to share about his character, Cal Nichols, Cal himself decided to visit! Can’t get better than the character himself sharing about his own life 🙂 Be sure to read Cal’s story in Eric’s Field of Blood and the just released, Haunt of Jackals.

Thanks Cal (& Eric!):~

Brief physical description

Cal Nichols…Being one of those raised from the grave when the Nazarene died and was resurrected (Mt. 27:50-53), I am immortal. I’ve changed looks to hide this fact, but I’m tall, broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped, with tan skin and green eyes that sparkle with flecks of gold. My hair is dark brown, but I often wear it dyed a golden-wheat color.

Actor/famous person

Once, while sporting a beard, I was told I looked like Richard the Lionhearted. Of course, that was hundreds of years ago and you wouldn’t know what he looked like, would you? I guess a more modern example would be a young Viggo Mortensen (but I do have a penchant for all things Lord of the Rings, so don’t quote me on it).

Strengths and weaknesses

I have deep empathy for mankind, but my own desire for companionship led me into a one-night-stand with a mortal woman. We had a daughter named Gina Lazarescu, a half-immortal. I’m still wrestling with my human guilt, trying to understand forgiveness and the grace that has passed on to my daughter.

Quirk (if any)

In my atte
mpts to stay up with modern culture, I tend to butcher slang phrases. For example, I might mix “walking a tight rope” and “follow the narrow road” and say: “You’re walking a tight road.”

Your inspiration for the character

I suppose my author, that Eric guy, was inspired by the scriptural saints raised from the tombs, as much as by his own desire to someday walk through walls and live in a glorified body. Who doesn’t want that? One day we’ll all be together with the Nazarene!

Background to the story

You’ve read my background in the earlier questions. I’m immortal. My daughter’s half-immortal. I’ve grieved the Nazarene by my moral failure, and yet I’m standing strong, raising up Those Who Resist and training the youth to fight the Master Collector and his minions who want to add us to their Collection of Souls. Too bad for them.

We have the power of the Nazarene Blood flowing through our veins!

Thanks for stopping by Cal ~ we appreciate it greatly 🙂

This weekend, I have two special spotlights and a fabulous giveaway from Robert Liparulo and his characters Xander & Toria. So stay tuned to celebrate the release of the next Dreamhouse Kings story, Timescape!

Relz Reviewz Extras

Review of Field of Blood

Character spotlight on Gina Lazarescu

Visit Eric’s website

Buy Eric’s books at Amazon or Koorong

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4 Responses to Character spotlight ~ Eric Wilson’s Cal Nichols

  1. I haven't read these books yet, but I find Eric's inspiration for them quite intriguing. It's something I've never really thought much about.

    Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  2. Robert Liparulo

    Love it! Now why didn't I think of writing a spotlight profile from one of my character's POV? Eric, you're great. And the books are wonderful.

  3. I enjoye the spotlight and enjoyed Field of Blood even though it was challenging to read at times. I am looking forward to the next installment!

  4. Hey – thx for dropping by!

    Fabulous idea of Eric's wasn't it, Bob 🙂 I'll be sure to give you another chance with one of your characters – maybe Taksidian??!

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