Character Spotlight: Kellie Coates Gilbert’s Faith Marin with a giveaway

A Reason to StayMeet a news anchor in

Kellie Coates Gilbert’s

Women’s Fiction

A Reason to Stay



The Story

As the host of her own television news show, Faith Marin works to expose the truth for her viewers. But in her personal life, she’s anchored her world with firm boundaries in order to hide a family history she’d like to forget. Her pro bass fisherman husband Geary’s life is an open book, and unfortunately his busybody family doesn’t know the meaning of boundaries.

Deception and crippling differences soon derail their tender relationship, leading Faith to believe her only option is to end the marriage. But while Faith considers whether divorce is the only answer to their issues, tragedy strikes and her heartrending decision is interrupted. With her life in the balance, Faith finds that the one she has been shutting out may be the very one she cannot bear to lose.

Introducing Faith

Brief physical description

I fell in love with Faith Marin in my story A Reason To Stay.  Unlike some of my former protagonists who enter the stage so self-assured, Faith struggles with knowing her value in life  and seeks to matter in her work and as a new wife.  She’s a news anchor and so her physical image also defines her worth. Like many in front of the camera, Faith is extraordinarily attractive…blonde and petite with a easy smile. But what happens when everything is stripped away? Who is she if her marriage is floundering, her career is cruelly placed on hold, and her beauty has been marred by a shooter’s bullet?Faith hill


I fashioned news anchor Faith Marin after singer Faith Hill.  This photo is a great depiction of what was in my head as I wrote many of the scenes.

Strengths and weaknesses

Faith Marin is talented, has an insatiable appetite for knowledge and easily connects with people…..all assets that make her a great news reporter.

Unfortunately, Faith believes she must portray an inauthentic image to the public, one that requires her to hide her family secrets. This bisected “self” also hinders her ability to enjoy emotional intimacy with her husband and those who try to love her. Instead of working through relationship difficulties, she pushes away the very ones she needs most to weather the storms that come.

Quirk (if any)

Faith is a horrible cook!  Even so, she tries to compete with her in-laws….often failing miserably and with much humor!

Your inspiration for the character and background to the story

Anyone who has read my earlier books knows my stories often pull ideas from courtroom cases I’ve worked on or stories in the news. A Reason To Stay is no different.

In early 2011, I watched with the rest of the country as news media reported on the terrible shooting that left Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life. Like so many, I followed her painful journey to healing and prayed for her recovery.

Ms. Giffords’ story hit very close to home.

While I was not a victim of a shooting, years back I suffered a stroke, the result of a brain bleed that required multiple cranial surgeries and a protracted hospital recovery. I personally knew some of what Gabby faced and my heart was broken for her.

A Reason to Stay is a very personal story. Not only does Faith Marin face a brain injury and the subsequent struggles to recover, but her real fight is in keeping her marriage intact.

This summer, my husband and celebrated thirty-five years of marriage, a landmark in a journey marked with opposition. Looking back, I know that we only made it by the grace of God.

Over the course of our years together, both of us had to make a decision.

I’m grateful we chose to stay.

Thanks Kellie!



Kellie Coates Gilbert is a former legal investigator and trial paralegal, and the author of A Woman of Fortune and Where Rivers Part. Gilbert crafts her emotionally charged stories about women in life-changing circumstances in Dallas, Texas, where she lives with her husband.

Learn more at

Relz Reviewz Extras
BLGs’ Interview with Kellie ~ Part 1 and Part 2
Visit Kellie’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: A Reason to Stay or Koorong

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14 Responses to Character Spotlight: Kellie Coates Gilbert’s Faith Marin with a giveaway

  1. I love reading women’s fiction especially when the focus is on an issue I can relate to. This genre often touches my heart and helps me gain insight in refreshing ways. I can both learn and be entertained at the same time. A perfect blend!

  2. Women’s Fiction addresses current day things that surface in women’s lives and can provide helpful guidance and/or educate us about a topic we aren’t familiar with. Thanks for the chance to win! I really enjoyed the first book in this series!

  3. I enjoy reading it because I can really get into the story. I especially enjoy contemporary fiction.

  4. Sounds like an amazing journey. Can’t wait to read it!

  5. I read woman’s fiction mainly to be entertained. I love a good storyline with characters that draw me into their stories. This sounds like one of those kinds of books. Thanks for the character spotlight and giveaway!

  6. Many times women’s fiction touches on real life issues which speak to women readers. That’s probably the biggest reason that I read it. I especially enjoy it when an author of women’s fiction adds humor and romance to the mix.

  7. Quite simply be

  8. Quite simply because I am a woman and these stories touch on issues related to women….only us women would understand! 🙂
    Thank you for the chance to win a copy of “A Reason to Stay”, sounds like a great book!

  9. I like reality meets faith in Women’s Fiction; it is interesting and encouraging.

  10. This book sounds amazing! I can’t wait to read it!

  11. I read woman’s fiction mostly because i like a good story. And i really like how a lot of it applies to my personal life.

  12. I enjoy women’s fiction because it is comforting to know other women are going through the same things I am. We are all different but yet so alike !

  13. I like to read Women’s Fiction because the stories are real, relevant, and relatable. I am encouraged and inspired by women characters who grow spiritually and chose to do what is right, especially under difficult circumstances. This book sounds wonderful! Thank you for the chance to win!

  14. Women’s fiction enlightens us as it is giving us reading enjoyment!

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