Character Spotlight ~ Tracy Higley’s Kallie Andreas with giveaway


Meet a mysterious and troubled woman in

Tracy Higley’s

romantic suspense


Stonewater Press


The Story

Kallie Andreas is a mystery, even to herself.Seven years ago Kallie woke up in a New York City museum, injured and traumatized. Alone and unclaimed.

Despite her shattered memories, she’s worked her way into a position as assistant curator in that very museum, and now she wants nothing more than to pursue funding for her project–assembling pieces from the ancient Minoans.

But then the blackouts start. Lost time, stranded in terrifying danger, frantic visions that can’t be real. A threatening phone call may be nothing more than paranoia and madness. Or perhaps not.

It’s time to start seeing her psychiatrist more often.

Kallie’s doctor challenges her to keep a journal, but her writing morphs into something else… What begins as a romantic fairy tale becomes an allegory of a woman plunged into crisis in the ancient past, in the misty islands of Minoan Greece, home to myth and legend. 

When a mysterious billionaire invites Kallie to scour the black market with him for the most valuable of all Minoan treasures, the key to their lost language, Kallie can’t resist. Dimitri is wealthy, charming and good-looking, but she’s not interested–not in someone who’s clearly hiding secrets of his own.

Together, the two embark on a global quest to find the Key, through some of the most exotic and beautiful locations in the world–unraveling the mystery and pursuing leads, all the while resisting romance in Italy, under the Santorini sun, and among the pyramids of Egypt.

Meanwhile, Kallie’s memories are bleeding through and her journal has turned violent. She’s teetering on the verge of a breakthrough, but what devastating truth has she been suppressing?

When a strange woman who clearly knows Kallie’s real identity tries to murder her, it’s clear that Kallie’s past and present worlds are colliding, in a deadly crisis that will finally reveal the shocking mystery of her past.

But will the truth leave room for love? 

Introducing Kallie

Brief physical descriptionMaria-Menounos-Hairstyles-Side-parted-Curls

Kallie is fairly tall, with long dark hair in waves. She has a European look about her, but since her past is a mystery, she’s not sure where her looks came from!


I had pics of actress Maria Menounos in mind when writing Kallie’s character.

And for Dimitri – actor Victor Webster.

Strengths and weaknesses

Kallie is fiercely passionate about finding lost artefacts and protecting them, perhaps because she’s a bit lost herself. She’s uncertain about her ability to be a leader, and hangs back from public appearances, but deep inside she has what it takes.

Quirk (if any)

It’s a bit more than a quirk, but Kallie keeps experiencing “episodes” – are they hallucinations? Flashbacks related to PTSD? She’s not sure where the lost time is going, and is seriously afraid to find out.

Your inspiration for the character

Victor_WebsterI love to write strong female characters doing incredible things and living amazing adventures. I wanted Kallie to be vulnerable and wounded, yet still courageous enough to take on back-alley thugs, a global quest, and her own faltering sanity. Throughout Awakening she’s finding herself – which is something we all need to do!

Background to the story 

This story started with a fun brainstorming session with another writer friend. I loved the idea of a woman with a lost past, who seeks out lost treasures.  And because I love Greece, the idea of incorporating a Greek island again (after my previous book, Isle of Shadows) really appealed to me.  Santorini was an irresistible draw, because the island is just so fantastically beautiful and mysterious.

Relz Reviewz Extras
Reviews of PompeiiPetraGuardian of the Flame and City of the Dead
Character spotlights for PompeiiPetraGuardian of the FlameShadow of Colossus (now Isle of Shadows) and City of the Dead
Visit Tracy’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: Awakening 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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32 Responses to Character Spotlight ~ Tracy Higley’s Kallie Andreas with giveaway

  1. Some of my family hails from Ireland, so I would love to go there, but I’m also fascinated with ancient Egypt and would love to see the pyramids that have stood the test of time.

  2. Two places top my list. An Alaskan cruise – with the dream of seeing the Northern Lights.
    Second would be an African Safari.

  3. My dream place that I would like to go over seas would be Hawiia, I would love too see Pearl Harbor, then my next place that I would love to go is Paris,
    I would love to see the tower and tast the yummy foods.
    I’ve been to England and Scotland but in 2004 and that was a lot.

    The cover of this book is beautiful!! I would love to read it.

  4. I would love to visit Italy. The food and the sights would be an experience to remember.

  5. Two places I really want to go are England and Italy. So much history and good food to discover!

  6. I would like to travel to either Ireland or Austrilla

  7. Chincateague island!!!

  8. I’m drawn to Mediterranean settings, as well as ancient history, so this books sounds perfect for me! I hope you keep writing more stories like these! 🙂

  9. I would have to say all of Europe! There is no certain one country because they all sound amazing!

  10. England and Ireland!

  11. Julianne M. Huss


  12. I would love to travel to Ireland! It’s such a beautiful place and I love the culture.

  13. I NEED TO SEE YOUR LAND Rel! NEED TO! 🙂 And while I’m there New Zealand too 🙂

  14. I’ve always wanted to tour the American East coast battlefields – Normandy too. But then, staying in a swiss chalet sounds inviting as well!

  15. I would love to go back to China before my friends who live there retire and move back to the States.
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

  16. I would love to someday go to Scotland to see where my ancestors came from. My husband would like to see Florence after reading the history of the old architecture there. We haven’t made it past Idaho yet though–someday it will happen, Lord willing! Your book sounds good–it’s on my tbr pile.

  17. I plan on going to Jacksonville Beach in Florida and visit very special friends of mine!

  18. In the US, I’d say Alaska. I’d love to take a cruise, see Denali, and like Lynn, experience the Northern Lights. Overseas? Israel tops the list but then Greece (largely because of Tracy… LOL), Italy, Ireland… I’d love to go just about anywhere! I am DEFINITELY looking forward to reading this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. I would love to revisit the coastal areas of S Carolina and see places I didn’t get to on my last visit.

  20. I have so many! Right now I think anywhere in Europe…Italy, France, Germany… But I also love the Asian countries…China, Thailand, India… 🙂

  21. Gosh. How to chose. I’d love to see Europe (or certain locations), along with places within the U.S (because I never travel) and of course, I’ve heard beautiful things about a certain place called, Australia. 😉

  22. I’d love to travel the south of France… all of Europe really, but especially there. Great character spotlight Rel!

  23. I would love to see Switzerland.

  24. I would love to go on a Caribbean cruise.

  25. I’ve really been wanting to go to both Italy and Greece, mainly Tuscany, Venice, and Crete.
    This book sounds amazing!

  26. I would like to visit New Zealand.

  27. Canada for me!

  28. Azores, Portugal because that is where my husband grew up… Would love to see it someday! 🙂

  29. I really don’t have a dream destination. I know, boring, right?
    I love being home and enjoying all that the Lord has blessed me with.

  30. Australia

  31. Russia and England would be at the top of my travel list.

  32. Alaskan Cruise would be just wonderful! Great Blog 🙂

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