Character Spotlight: Angela Hunt’s Bathsheba with a giveaway

BathshebaMeet a young wife in

Angela Hunt’s

Biblical retelling


Bethany House


The Story

A Vivid and Moving Portrait of a Reluctant Queen

After sending his army to besiege another king’s capital, King David forces himself on Bathsheba, a loyal soldier’s wife.

When her resulting pregnancy forces the king to murder her husband and add her to his harem, Bathsheba struggles to protect her son while dealing with the effects of a dark prophecy and deadly curse on the king’s household.

Combining historical facts with detailed fiction, Angela Hunt paints a realistic portrait of the beautiful woman who struggled to survive the dire results of divine judgment on a king with a divided heart.

Introducing Bathsheba

Brief physical description

She is a beautiful woman—as to what she looks like, look at the cover. The artist did a wonderful job.


The cover of the book.

Strengths and weaknesses

Like many victims of rape and sexual abuse, Bathsheba has a tendency to blame herself for what happened to her. But as she grows older and wiser, she learns how to survive in a palace filled with schemes, ambition, and the world’s most dysfunctional family. 

Your inspiration for the character

The women herself.BathshebaCoverHS

The Bible gives us several clues about her story, and it’s not difficult to piece them together and come up with a good picture of Bathsheba.

Background to the story

When I announced that I had begun to research Bathsheba, a couple of people left comments on my blog to the effect of “she sure did a number on David.” What? I was baffled and astonished that anyone could read the biblical account and consider Bathsheba the guilty party, but when I heard similar comments from other readers, I knew I had to write a story based on facts and sound psychology—as well as the biblical account, of course. The prophet Nathan used the story of the poor farmer and his wee lamb to confront David with his sin, and if Bathsheba is analogous to the lamb, then she did NOTHING to attract the king’s attention.

I’ve come to realize that many modern readers tend to think of Bible characters as “more saintly” than the rest of us—and when I write that Esther was once an immature girl, or that Mary Magdalene wanted revenge against the Romans, or that David lusted and raped Bathsheba—well, those depictions contradict many people’s preconceived notions.

Yet Bible characters are fully human, and just as prone to sin as you or I, and the Bible honestly records their failings along with their victories. Their stories are given to us as illustrations of human failures and God’s mercy, of human faith and God’s provision, and of human sin and God’s holiness.

I have always tried to write honest stories that are true to the biblical account and yet also true to human nature and the culture of the time period. That’s what I tried to do in Bathsheba, and I hope readers will set aside their preconceived ideas and simply see her as she is.

In Delilah, the next book in the series, I face an even tougher task—convincing readers that Delilah was not a scheming monster.  I’m looking forward to it.

Thanks Angela!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Discover more about Angela
Reviews of The Fine Art of InsincerityDoesn’t She Look Natural, She Always Wore Redand She’s In A Better Place
Visit Angela’s website and blog
Buy at Esther: Royal Beauty (A Dangerous Beauty Novel) or Koorong

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32 Responses to Character Spotlight: Angela Hunt’s Bathsheba with a giveaway

  1. I like how fiction expands the story.

  2. Thanks Rel for bringing Angela onto RR.

    I’ve been introduced to Angela’s work in the Harbinger series and I reckon I might try out Bathsheba as a result. Beautiful cover, BTW.

  3. Hello Angela. I just find it very interesting to read these stories about some of the people we never knew much about. And, i think David was the guilty one. Too many think like todays standards I believe, that it’s always the girls fault and the guys just normal.. She was bathing on the roof which must have been a normal thing back then. David didn’t have to keep looking. GOD said to look away if you are tempted. Too many men act as if they have no control when tempted. I’ve had arguments with many men over that subject. He was wrong to use his power to make her come to him. And, sure was horrible for him to cause her husband to be killed just because he wanted his wife. And, if he hadn’t been wrong, GOD wouldn’t have let his baby die. That was his punishment. I would so love to win your book. I would love to have all of your books like this. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  4. I enjoy biblical fiction because it gives me a new perspective on a Bible story. I think we can become so calous to these stories we’ve heard since Sunday school, that they can lose the personal connection. It;s that fresh insight and presentation that’s appealing – the humanizing of the Bible characters.

  5. I enjoy Biblical fiction because it deepens my understanding of the times and people

  6. I love reading Biblical fiction! I grew up loving historical fiction, and I see biblical fiction as a kind of extreme version of it. The fact that these characters are real people is very interesting to me. We often see one version of a person, but with historical fiction we see them alive. I’ve read a ton of Esther stories, and each one makes Esther a little bit different. I think it makes it wonderful.

  7. I like to read Biblical fiction because it rounds out the characters of the people in the Bible. The Bible is such a rich book, but there are many people who are only mentioned briefly. This fictional account of Bathsheba sounds fascinating. Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. I haven’t read a lot of biblical fiction, but always enjoy imagining more behind the story we read.

  9. I love learning about the historical background for the stories -also that the books make the characters feel more real. I’ve found that when I am reading some of these passages in the Bible later, that I remember the background & it makes the passages clearer.

  10. Beautifully done cover – looking forward to the read.

  11. I find Biblical history interesting. It can give a whole new perspective on an event or a person. It makes me think about what may really have happened or what feelings a person may have had during that time period. Thank you for sharing.

  12. I read Biblical fiction to help me understand the Bible better and to inspire me to dig deeper into it.

  13. I have just finished my first Biblical fiction book Exodus, and I feel like I have a more complete picture of the time periods and what life was probably like. also the characters become easier to identify with as real people , and not just an abstract picture in my mind. (except Jesus of course)
    I really love the interview, it helped me understand how carefully you write your stories. thank you


  15. We take for granted that beauty and be a burden for some people.

  16. Sounds like a good read.

  17. I read biblical fiction because it helps me personalize the story and help them come to life. I love Angela Hunts books and would love to read this story.

  18. historical fiction is my favorite genre to read – not what i write but love to read! especially Biblical fiction!

  19. I had never considered that Bathsheba was the only guilty party and I will look forward to reading Angela’s development of this story.

  20. I read biblical fiction to make me think, question and hopefully, increase my knowledge of God’s Word and Christian history.

  21. I love the cover of this book! It’s gorgeous! I’d really love the chance to read it. I read Biblical fiction because it helps to remind me that Biblical characters were real people who had real conversations with other people. It helps me to appreciate those people and their stories even more!

  22. Biblical Fiction teaches me something I didn’t know about a story or perhaps tells me a story for the first time. It’s easy to read the Bible and not contemplate what you are reading. Biblical Fiction forces you to slow down and absorb the story! Loved Esther. So look forward to Bathsheba.

  23. I read biblical fiction because it brings out parts of the stories I may have overlooked when reading the biblical story. It also brings out what is happening in society at the time. Would love to read this book.

  24. I read Biblical fiction because I already have a background on a story, I’m familiar with it, so the characters are already real to me and don’t have to prove their believability. 🙂

  25. I was told this book is a must read. I haven’t read Biblical fiction, and I can’t wait to read Bathsheba. (By the way, I ADORE the cover art.)

  26. Reading Biblical fiction is delving deeper into a story that you already have information about, but want to get to know a lot more. This is an absolutely beautiful cover! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  27. I’ve enjoyed #biblicalfiction ever since I first read @LizCurtisHiggs back around 2001 or so. Most times when I read a book set in a Biblical retelling it draws me in and causes me to dwell in the Lord and within the scriptures of my own Bible and that’s when I call it a great read. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

  28. Although fictional, I like how Biblical fiction fill-ins the little gaps where assumptions are made. I, also, feel very challenged when reading Biblical fiction to know the Scripture being used as the backdrop for the novel.

  29. It helps to expand my thoughts on Sacred Scripture.

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