Christmas in Australia!

I couldn’t resist posting this video from world renowned Australian photographer, Ken Duncan. While his voice leaves a lot to be desired, I hope you enjoy his photos of my amazing country!

Merry Christmas!

Ken Duncan Christmas In Australia from Mountain High Media on Vimeo.

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7 Responses to Christmas in Australia!

  1. Merry Christmas, Rel. I hope you guys have a very special and blessed Christmas, filled with the awe of God's gift to us.

  2. Merry Christmas and a very Happy
    New Year from Marjorie in
    Woodstock, Ontario, Canada.

  3. Merry Christmas, Rel!! I never realized Australia's landscape was so diverse. How naive of me, huh?

  4. Great overview of Australia! But you are missing our 12-20+ inches of snow!!! Gorgeous!
    Merry Christmas from Minnesota, USA

  5. Absolutely magnificent.

    Merry Christmas, Rel. May the Lord continue to bless you and yours with His joy and peace.

  6. Trac – we did, except for me having a migraine and sleeping it off a bit at both locations! Hope you did well, too 🙂

    Marjorie – blessings on you this Christmas. I'm guessing you will have a white one!

    Ronie – you will simply have to come and visit to see it first hand, my friend 🙂

    Thanks Linda! Yes, snow – maybe one day I'll travel overseas and experience a white Christmas first hand 🙂

    And a happy Christmas to you, Nicole. May you have a blessed time with family and friends 🙂

    Appreciate each one of you dropping by!


  7. Ronie – don't worry, you're not the only naive one. When I was living in the UK I had one man tell me that they had something over there that I probably wasn't familiar with – humidity. Sigh. Maybe he was thinking that Australia is all like the area around Uluru.

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