The Great DEBs’ Vegemite Tasting Experiment

Soon, when I get my act together and send what I need to my amazing web guru, Kelli Standish, I’ll be posting a special page on my ACFW experience ~ there will be photos, audio interviews, videos, and more. For now, I wanted to share with you the fun that was our DEBs reunion breakfast!

In May, 2012, with the brilliant Kelli Standish leading the way, I had the pleasure of helping launch the debut novels of Katie Ganshert, Olivia Newport, Dani Pettrey, and Beth Vogt, so I couldn’t wait to meet with them at the conference. We met for breakfast on Saturday morning and there were many hugs, lots of laughter, and plenty of chatting.


Every writer is courageous, I know this! But these girls showed courage of a higher order when they agreed to taste the Australian wonder that is Vegemite 🙂 It’s a breakfast spread that is best on hot toast with melted butter, and applied sparingly. Here are some before and after shots which I think you will enjoy!


All smiles before diving in


Mmm….verdict? A polite no thank you!



All serene and ready for the adventure that is Vegemite


“You’re kidding me, right, you really eat this stuff?!”


“Get it away from me!”



Keen but cautious (she’s seen Dani’s face!)


“So, not so bad….”


“Yikes! Now it kicks in!”



Anxiety wars with the desire for a new experience!


Thumbs up!! “It’s good stuff!” 


Beth is now my hero ~ I think she is the first American to tolerate Vegemite, let alone enjoy it!! She really did think it was okay….unlike those other girls….sigh!

The DEBs breakfast was unforgettable in more ways than Vegemite induced grimaces – these women are simply fabulous! Do yourself a favour and check out their books ~ you won’t be disappointed!

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26 Responses to The Great DEBs’ Vegemite Tasting Experiment

  1. Oh, now I’m smiling … and it’s not about the Vegemite … well, it kind of is … Such fun, fun memories. If I was going to sample that Australian “delicacy,” who better to do it with than the Debs and you, Rel?

  2. Thanks for sharing the experience and adventure that is Vegemite with us! LOVE the post 🙂

  3. LOL! That is a priceless collection of pictures!!

  4. Seconding Casey’s comment – this is a priceless post! 🙂 Love it, Rel.

    Of course, I adore Dani’s novels – and am eager to read Beth and Katie’s!

  5. Love it! Rel, I first tried it a few months ago. Was polite but since she actually wanted my opinion admitted it wasn’t my favorite and downed LOTS of water. I think it was spread awful thick though. They eat it with peanut butter, is that typical? Our friends are from NZ not Australia.

  6. Those pictures are priceless!! Just like the ladies in them. And you, of course, Rel. 🙂

  7. How fun! I’ve heard much about Vegemite, but I haven’t had the opportunity to try it yet. Loved the pictures!

  8. How hilarious. Yes, kinda need to be reared on it, don’t you Rel? I love the stuff, have it most mornings for breakfast.

  9. We call it Marmite in the UK and It’s GREAT for b’fast. We had American friends staying once and the husband thought that the Marmite was chocolate spread. I’ll draw a veil over the next few minutes¬

  10. I can’t believe your tortured those poor ladies with vegemite Rel. So, so cruel! Just so they know there are many an Aussie who don’t enjoy the stuff either, so they’re not alone on this one. I think the last time I ate it I was unwell and about six years old. Ick, ick, blechhh!

    I’m trying to think of something equally disgusting that Americans eat. We tried things we didn’t enjoy but nothing you’d spit out, like vegemite! We thought jet puffed marshmallows were rubbery and reece’s peanut butter cups are waaaay too sweet. That’s as bad as it got for us!

    Vegetmite and peanut butter? Never heard of that combo…that is NOT normal!

  11. When I first went to Canada I took vegemite and spread it thin like we do and they said thats not how you eat it so I proceeded to eat a slice. A few tried it and while most didn’t really like it at least one admitted it wasn’t that bad. I had warned them it was salty.
    This year I had to take a supply with me for my friends I stayed with as they fell I love with it when they first tried it. they even spread it much thicker than I do.

  12. Maybe it’s like our Spam (Do you have it in Australia?) Some like it and some like me find it pretty terrible. It is wildly popular in Hawaii where they where shipped lots of it after Pearl Harbor attack and during WWII.

  13. Ha–Katie’s last face cracks me up! I’ve never tasted Vegemite but it is in one of those Veggie Tales songs…so I’ve always wondered. So glad you got to visit the USA, Rel!

  14. This is so funny! I’m so glad you took photos to share with us.

  15. LOL! Fun times. 🙂

  16. Love the expressions you captured! Now I’m really curious about VegeMite.

  17. TOO funny! Love the pics!

  18. This was so neat. I especially loved Dani’s face on her last picture HA! HA! HA! And, think Beth might have just been showing her brave side to get the other girls. 🙂 Maxie

  19. Rel was very kind to you DEBs only spreading it thinly. I have it most mornings and spread it a lot thicker than my sis! Well done on trying it though.

  20. We have Vegemite and Marmite here in NZ and only ever tasted Vegemite growing up as my Mum loved the stuff. I, however, could not ever get used to it – even when I tried mixing it with honey on my toast (try THAT one, Rel – it’s a strange taste and I can still recall it vividly!!)

    However, since becoming an adult, I tried out Marmite and found that to be much more palatable. When the Christchurch Earthquake destroyed the factory in early 2011 I tried to make my jar of Marmite last as long as possible – I ended up running out 10 months before it came back into production in the new factory. And since it’s come back, I’ve been through two jars of it by spreading it on my Vogel’s toast every day. I think I’ve eaten more of it in the past few months than I ever did!

    But never will I learn to like Vegemite. I wouldn’t even substitute it for Marmite when it wasn’t available. Some things you never get used to as a kid you just never get used to at all. 😉

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