First Line Friday ~ Claudia Mair Burney’s Zora & Nicky: A Novel in Black & White

The Writer & her Book (29)

It’s First Line Friday again, thanks to Hoarding Books…and I’m running a little late!

Reaching back around ten years for my first line this week from Claudia Mair Burney’s Zora & Nicky: A Novel in Black & White. With discussions about more diversity in fiction on the rise, it’s good to look back and see there were authors and publishers giving voice to wonderful characters and stories a decade ago. This story is powerful and intelligent and one that has stayed with me since I read. This love story between two preachers’ kids – the privileged African American, Zora, raised in her father’s mega church, and reformed playboy, Nicky, at odds with his white, racist, Southern Baptist father – is a must read. I love the quote on the back of the cover:

Two Hearts, One God. Should anything else matter?

The Writer & her Book (55)


Anyone else read this Zora & Nicky? It’s well worth searching it out if you haven’t!

Do you have a first line to share this week?

 Zora and Nicky

Two Hearts, One God.
Should Anything Else Matter?

Zora Nella Hampton Johnson knows exactly where she comes from—and her daddy won’t let her forget. Of course for that privilege he keeps her in Prada and Kate Spade, Coach and YSL. He chooses her boyfriend, her car, her address, and ignores her love of painting, art, and the old ways of her grandaddy’s soulful AME church—where the hymns pleaded, cajoled, and raised the roof. Her daddy may be a preacher, but some-where among the thousands of church members, the on-site coffee house, and the JumboTron, Zora lost God. And she wants Him back.

Nicky Parker, a recent graduate of Berkeley and reformed playboy, also suffers the trials of being a preacher’s kid, and he can’t remember the last time he saw eye-to-eye with his white, racist, Southern Baptist father. What he does remember—and it will be forever burned in his brain despite myriad prayers to Jesus—is the way Zora looked the first time he saw her. Like Nefertiti. Only better. When they meet at a bible study far from their respective home churches, the first churlish, sarcastic sparks that fly sizzle with defensiveness. But God has a special way of feeding the flames and though of different flocks, these two lost sheep will find Him and much, much more.

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8 Responses to First Line Friday ~ Claudia Mair Burney’s Zora & Nicky: A Novel in Black & White

  1. Happy Friday!

    Today on my blog, I’m sharing the first line from The Christmas Remedy by Cindy Woodsmall and Erin Woodsmall. It’s a sweet little book if you haven’t read it yet. I’m currently starting The Seamstress by Allison Pittman, so I’ll share the first line from this book.

    “My first and last memories are my cousin Laurette.”

    I’m very excited to read this book!

    Hope you have a great weekend filled with awesome reading time. 😀❤📚

  2. Thanks for sharing this book with us. My local library system has a copy (gasp) so I requested it. Love finding new-to-me authors!

    My first line is from Between Two Shores by Jocelyn Green:
    “I told you I’m not staying.”
    Such a powerfully intense book.

  3. I don’t really remember if this first line is from 10 years ago or 20 or more . . . but the book “A Voice in the Wind” – book 1 of the “Mark of the Lion” series by Francine Rivers has always been my favorite of all time. What “Gone With the Wind” was for southern literature – “Mark of the Lion” is for Christian Literature – the pinnacle of the best of the best! “The city was silently bloating in the hot sun, rotting like the thousands of bodies that lay where they had fallen in street battles.” The opening scene is the Roman siege of Jerusalem – the death of many Jews and the captivity of the rest as Israel falls to Rome dominion. And then . . . Hadassah . . . the unforgettable person of Hadassah – I will never forget her – will always strive to have her courage and persevering spirit – she is the christian I will always strive to be. Right after the Bible, this book should be read by every born again believer – it will change you. And now years later . . . I am currently reading “By the Waters of Babylon” by Mesu Andrews – “I once was a goddess who led a prince to Yahweh.” Once again Israel has been taken captive – this time by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon.

  4. Happy Weekend! My first line (well, first 2 lines) is from “Ellie’s Redemption” by Molly Jebber:

    “Ellie Graber glanced at Joel Wenger across the room. Her heart raced, and her cheeks warmed.”

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