Novel Journey Book Club, 2017

2016 marked a decade of blogging here at Relz Reviewz and it’s just dawned on me that I’m entering my book club’s fifteenth year this February! It has undergone a few name changes during those years, firstly meeting at my former church then transitioning to my home once we completed a home extension and had the space. We have met in my home for the past thirteen years and I look forward to catching up with my friends to talk books and life. My dear friends, Tracy and Julie, inaugural members who still attend to this day. We have a wonderful mix of members of varied ages and our regulars will be joined by three new members this year, one of them my eldest girl who will lower our age average considerably!

We have a fantastic time chatting about the books, and often have the pleasure of the authors’ company by way of Skype or video, or reading out the author’s emailed responses to our questions. Last year we had our first guest author visit us in person…it just so happens she is also one of our members, the talented Dorothy Adamek!

I thought you might like a peek at the books and authors we will be journeying with in 2017.




Newton and Polly


If I Run


Counted with the Stars


Life After


The Progeny





Are you a part of a book club? What books are you chatting about this year?



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12 Responses to Novel Journey Book Club, 2017

  1. I am reading “Water From My Heart” right now – oh how I love the very talented Charles Martin. I can’t wait to catch up in a couple of weeks.

    The highlight of Book Club over so many years? Our very first, brave step into communicating with authors, and we phoned Charles Martin. Remember how nerve-wracking it was dialling the actual number? Funny now!! And then of course, just years and years of being together and reading some excellent books.

  2. Looks like a great list, Rel! Should be fun reading.

  3. OK – now you’ve done it – – sent me into “repent-land” for my jealousy over your book club. Oh how I would love to join your group – – of course all I have to do is convince my southern-lovin husband of the cost effectiveness and dire necessity of moving from Florida to Australia all for the sake of joining a book club – – hmmmmm. . . . that might take some mighty powerful persuasion. I certainly love the list of books for the year and have already read some of them. You’ve picked some of my “favs”!! I’ve never been a member of a book club and now that I’m semi-retired, I think it would be a good idea to look into joining one. Thanks for the push in the “book club joining” direction!!

    • Pam – Florida » Hey Pam – we’d have you if you could convince that husband of yours 😉 Why don’t you start one?! I think you’d be fabulous at leading a book club!

      • Now that’s a thought – – hmmmm……. I wonder if we used the same list ya’ll are reading – – maybe we could skype or somehow join up for a group chat – – – now that would be a fun Aussie/Yank chit/chat!!

  4. I’ve read several of these and the rest are on my TBR list. In fact, I just posted a review of Newton and Polly. I absolutely cannot wait for Bread of Angels and the sequel to The Progeny.

  5. Oh fun! I’ve been in a Christan fiction book club for many years. We always read whatever Charles Martin has written. He’s a total favorite. A couple of us went to a signing and were total fangirls. Your other choices look great, too. We pick for the year on January 31. Our rules are that it has to be Christian fiction and the recommender has to have read the book. (We had some stinkers in past years if we let that second rule slide, ha!)

    • Janet Ferguson » That’s a fun way to do it, Janet! I’ve always read my selections, or am very confident of the writer’s ability from previous books 🙂

  6. I’ve never been a part of a book club, but have always wanted to be. Unfortunately, the ones at my local library tend to read books that as a Christian I would not feel comfortable reading. I do have a close friend who’s a fellow bookworm and we recommend books to each other and then rant/rave over them afterwards. I’ve read a couple you have listed above, but the ones I haven’t I’ll have to add to my own reading list.

  7. How fun, I’ve always wanted to be a part of a book club! Great list! I’ve already had the pleasure of reading Counted With the Stars and Newton and Polly and the rest I’m looking forward to.

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