Patricia Bradley: The Writer and her Book (with giveaway)


Chatting with the lovely Pat Bradley today, who shares about her favourite season, the first Christian novel she read, and choosing her latest character’s name. Be sure to enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter from below.

The Writer

Please describe yourself in three words (ask your best friend or family if you are struggling!)

Energetic, thick-skinned, and creative are words that my friends use to describe me. I would lean toward smart, witty, and humble. 🙂

What’s your favourite season, and why?

Fall-Spring…if I say it really fast, it’s one season.  Actually, fall used to be my favourite, but after the winters we’ve had lately, I can’t wait for spring. Did you know there are as many shades of green in the spring as there are orange in the fall?

What is the best part of your day?

I jump out of bed ready to go, and if I can spend the first hour on my screened-in deck listening to the birds, all the better.

What do you miss most about your childhood?

The time and freedom to roam the woods, play-acting. One summer my cousins and I were Robin Hood and her merry men.  Guess who was Robin Hood?

Which TV talk show host would you like to be interviewed by? Why?

Dr. Oz. He always has such interesting programs. But for my novels…Oprah.

You are at a fruit market – what do you reach for first?

I would reach for a honey crisp apple.

What was the first Christian Fiction novel you read?

I read Christy as a young adult and loved it.

What is one author and/or book you always recommend?

I read Exodus by Leon Uris when I was fifteen and recommend it to just about everyone when the conversation turns to books.

What book character has stuck in your mind from a book you have read this year?

Gwen Marcy from Carrie Stuart Parks’ series by the same name has stayed with me since I finished the first book. I love that series.

The Book

Justice Delayed

It’s been eighteen years since TV crime reporter Andi Hollister’s sister was murdered. The confessed killer is behind bars, and the execution date is looming. But when a letter surfaces stating that the condemned killer didn’t actually do it, Detective Will Kincaide of the Memphis Cold Case Unit will stop at nothing to help Andi get to the bottom of it. After all, this case is personal: the person who confessed to the crime is Will’s cousin. They have less than a week to find the real killer before the wrong person is executed. But much can be accomplished in that week–including uncovering police corruption, running for your life, and falling in love.

With the perfect mixture of intrigue and nail-biting suspense, award-winning author Patricia Bradley invites her readers to crack the case–if they can–alongside the best Memphis has to offer.

What was the working title?

The one that it was eventually given—JUSTICE DELAYED.

Describe your book in 5 adjectives:

Fast-paced, tense, suspenseful, Christian, and satisfying.

Which character took you by surprise?

The murderer. I’m writing along and suddenly stop and think, so that’s who did it.

What was the latest you stayed up working on this story?

I usually started writing around 5 am so the latest I wrote on JUSTICE DELAYED was 10 pm.

Which character’s name was the hardest to choose? Why?

It was hard to find a name that fit my heroine. Nothing seemed to fit her, and then out of the blue the name Andi came to me. When I saw it on the page, I knew it was the right one.

What’s something that didn’t make it into the final copy?

Because I’m a lean writer, scenes are rarely cut from my books. But Andi was a little snarky, and I had to soften her up

Thanks, Pat!

Patricia Bradley is the author of Shadows of the Past, A Promise to Protect, Gone without a Trace, and Silence in the Dark. Bradley received the 2016 Inspirational Readers Choice Award for the third Logan Point book, Gone without a Trace, and has been a finalist for the Genesis Award, a winner of a Daphne du Maurier Award, and winner of a Touched by Love Award. Bradley is cofounder of Aiming for Healthy Families, Inc., and she is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, and Sisters in Crime. Bradley makes her home in Mississippi.

Relz Reviewz Extras
Pat’s Reading Habits
Character spotlight on Leigh & Ben (A Promise to Protect)
Review of Shadows of the Past
Visit Pat’s website and blog
Buy from Amazon: Justice Delayed or Koorong
Connect with Pat: Facebook || Twitter || Pinterest


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37 Responses to Patricia Bradley: The Writer and her Book (with giveaway)

  1. I like to read late, so my kids are usually my alarm clock 🙂

  2. I’m not an early riser by choice. On work days I get up about 6:20 a.m. On days I don’t have to get up then, it’s usually around 7:30, which feels much more natural to me.

  3. I get up around 5 AM, but only because I have a long commute. If I could sleep until 9 each morning, I would!

  4. How wonderful that Pat is visiting RR today. Love that. And “Justice Delayed” sounds great. All the very best with its launch, Pat.

  5. Because I have to, I get up around 7 am in order to get one of my kids to school. Since I’m a bit of a night owl, I like sleeping in. Although, I really don’t like wasting my mornings, so it’s a big catch-22.

  6. Loved the interview 🙂 Normally I get up between 8-9, but if I have to I get up earlier 😉

  7. Pat, we arise early (for us)–6 AM–but I don’t get into my office and start writing until after 8. First there’s watching the TV news while having that first cup of coffee, then breakfast, and finally into the office to read blog posts, etc. After that, I try to come up with a few well-chosen words of my own.
    Rel, thanks for introducing us to this lady. Glad to learn more about her.

  8. Early riser between 6 and 6:30am.

  9. Since I like to get things accomplished while the kids are still asleep, I get up around 6:30 am. I’m looking forward to reading Patricia’s latest book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I used to get up to take my son to school, but since he graduated last year (June) I no longer have to get up so early! I am NOT a morning person, lol! I get up around 10am since I read until about 11pm. Unless I have things to do that day, then I’ll get my errands done earlier 🙂

    Thanks for the fun interview! Patricia is one author I love (her books that is!) 🙂

  11. On work days, between 4:30 and 5 am. On days off, around 8:30-9

  12. I am definitely an early bird! During the week, 4:30. On weekends, 6 or 7.

  13. I usually get up around 8:30 AM. After years of getting up early, I enjoy sleeping in now.

  14. I would prefer to get up around 9 and stay up really late, but I get up about 6:30 and still stay up late!

  15. Aaaah, Patricia, thank you so much for loving my character-Gwen Marcey!
    I couldn’t believe you played Robin Hood one summer as a child–I did the same at church camp! Of course, I was Robin also. We made our cabin the merry men, and our counselor was Maid Marion. And I roamed the woods here on the ranch growing up. We had horses, so I would gallop madly through the mountains as a French resistance fighter being chased by the Germans, or National Velvet during a race, or a pioneer pursued by the Indians, or any other excuse I could find to ride fast. 🙂

  16. I’m a relatively early riser. I normally get up around 6-6:30am 🙂 Thanks for this giveaway opportunity!

  17. I discovered Patricia Bradley’s books in 2016. Since then I’ve read most of them. I love her books. When I’ve left reviews for Patricia Bradley they were 5 stars. I usually get up about 5:00. Someone told me they thought I would sleep in when I retired. I told them that 5:00 was sleeping in for me. When I worked I got up at 4:00 am. We had flexible hours & I chose to work 6:30 am – 3:00 pm. That way I missed the school traffic, rush hour traffic & if I needed to p/u my grandson at school, he would have to wait about 10 minutes for me to get there from work. He’s a senior at Univ. of Alabama now. Thanks for the giveaway.

    God Bless

  18. I’m an early riser too. I’m usually up between 5:30 and 6:00 am. I can’t sleep later than 7:00 am

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, Rel and Pat!

  19. I prefer to get up early rather than stay up late; which is good because for work I need to get up around 6 or sometimes just before to make it with the commute! I also sometimes have to work nights so my sleep pattern can get interesting!

  20. Usually around 9 am. Hubby works till around 2am, so I try to stay up with him and read.

  21. I am definitey NOT an early riser, more of a night owl. I don’t get up till about 10am.

  22. I am not naturally a morning person, but usually set my alarm for around 6:30 on workdays. If I don’t have to be up for anything I naturally sleep till around 8:30 or so!

  23. I have to get up around 6 am to take my daughter to work. I come home and start my homeschool after I see my husband off.

  24. I would much rather stay up late and sleep late, but I pull myself out of bed by 7am during the week to make lunch for my husband and then get myself ready for work.

  25. I can get up early if I have to, but if I would rather sleep late.

  26. Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. I’ve tried to leave comments along, but the Internet seems to have eaten them. 🙂

  27. Patricia, I’m definitely going to be checking out your book titled, Justice Delayed but perhaps I should hold off until I’m on vacation the third week of April. Otherwise, I’m afraid I may miss out on a lot of much needed sleep. Then again, what am I thinking? I’ll be spending time with all three of my grandkids then, including a baby whom I will be responsible for the entire week, so perhaps I should read that book before I leave for vacation. 🙂 Who knows? You just may end up at

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