Pop Quiz ~ Dr Harry Kraus with a giveaway

harry-kraus-300Discover more about

Dr Harry Kraus

and his medical thriller

Lip Reading

David C Cook


What was a favourite childhood book of yours?

I loved “The Boxcar Children” by Gertrude Chandler Warner

Do you remember the title of the first story you ever wrote? What was it about?

“Stainless Steal Hearts” (yes, the first story I wrote was a novel) . It was about a surgical resident who discovers unethical research done on aborted babies. I know, that sounds gross, but I was intrigued by the idea that we could legally abort the same aged babies that we were spending millions of dollars to save in the neonatal ICU. I was a surgical resident myself when I began the story.

If you weren’t a writer, what career would you/did you/do you have pursued?

Can I be crazy unrealistic? I’d like to play baseball. If I can’t do that, maybe fly airplanes!

Why do you write stories?

Stories appeal straight to the heart. The whole point of writing a story is to make your reader experience emotions, most of which we don’t want to experience in real life…anger, fear, bitterness…along with ones we cherish: love, joy, overwhelming peace.

Lip ReadingLip Reading

She Could Save Millions, or Save Herself
She just needs a little longer. She’s really close. Dr. Rebecca Jackson, a medical researcher, stands on the verge of a breakthrough that will transform medicine. But she soon discovers the reason behind the miraculous progress in her research, and it leaves her with a nearly impossible choice . . . and little time to decide. More than her research is at stake. And more threatens it than this latest revelation. Something she’s tried hard to cover up. There is a high cost to some things in medicine and it’s not always the patient who pays. Can Rebecca find the faith and wisdom she needs to make the right call? The clock is ticking and the pressure is on.

Describe your novel in 5 adjectives

Brilliant researcher, Terminal illness, Medicine-changing breakthrough, impossible dilemma, rekindling love (okay, that’s not exactly what you asked for, but I tried!)

Please share a little about one of your main characters

Becca Jackson has a penchant for high-end lip stick to cover a defect left by a surgeon when she was 16 and in an automobile accident.

What spiritual theme or question does your story deal with?

Self sacrifice for a greater good.

Share a recent movie or tv show that you have loved, and why?

I really enjoyed the movie, “Philomena.” It was human interest, had a faith angle, and exposed darkness within the church. (We really need transparency, don’t we?)

What novel are you working on now?

I’m working on a story about transgenerational trauma, how abuses can be actually passed in our DNA to the next generation. The research is fantastic-amazing stuff.

Thank you, Harry!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Tori Taylor
Review of All I’ll Ever Need
Visit Harry’s website and blog
Buy Lip Reading at Amazon or Koorong

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2 Responses to Pop Quiz ~ Dr Harry Kraus with a giveaway

  1. Love Harry’s work. Great job, Rel.

  2. Loved, loved, loved this book. What impressed me (apart from a great story line, engaging characters and fantastic writing!) was how much Harry knows about lipstick! I mean, I’m a girl and I know pretty much nothing about the topic, but Harry is all over it like a professional!

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