The Reading Habits of Patricia Bradley with a giveaway

Pat Bradley



The Reading Habits


Patricia Bradley




Are you a re-reader? Why, or why not? And if you are, what are some of the books you have read over and over?

I rarely reread a book unless it’s for research, and those I reread often. Right now I’m rereading Frank Simon’s The Jewel in the Crown because it has cat burglars and a hacker in it…

When is your optimal time to read – do you prefer to read in one long block, or do you also read for five minutes here or there when you can?

I read on my phone sometimes and have caught myself reading at traffic lights, but mostly I like to read at night.

I’d love your thoughts on novellas. Are you thumbs up or down? Or does it depend?!

I like to read novellas, and have written one. I’ve discovered it takes as much research to write a novella as a longer book.

Are you faithful to a genre, an author, or simply quality writing?

Quality writing. I’ve read authors in genres I don’t care for simply because they wrote a great book.

Which factors most influence your selection of a book?

The opening. And then the genre. I prefer romantic suspense or thrillers, but like I said above, if the writing is good, I like them all.

Your fiction pet peeve?

Changing POV in the middle of a scene. That drives me bonkers, even when it’s well done.

What book have you read this year that you could not put down, and why?

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I had to know how it ended—It’s over 600 pages.


Pat’s TBR for this month!

How do you mark your spot – folded page corner, bookmark, dollar bill, whatever is at hand?

I don’t believe I’ve turned a corner down since I was twelve years old. Usually I use a bookmark, but a dollar bill will do.

Whose debut novel impressed you more than you anticipated?

Hello, I Love You by Katie M. Stout. But I don’t know why…she was in my critique group years ago and her voice was outstanding!

When reading, what makes or breaks a story for you?

That it has a HEA. I will not read a book if I know it doesn’t have a happy ending. There are authors who are known for killing off their hero or heroine that I will not read. J

What are some of your favourite CF reads from around 10 years ago, or further back?

Any Susan May Warren book or Dee Henderson or Kristin Heitzmann book

Snack/drink of choice while reading?

Usually flavoured coffee.

What book cover has really caught your eye?

I like Sandra Orchard’s A Fool and His Monet.

Which author makes it easy to turn off your internal editor?

Irene Hannon

What book do you wish you had written? Why?

Harry Potter…or Lizzy and Jane by Katherine Reay

Thanks Pat!

Don’t miss Patricia’s latest Logan Point novel and enter the giveaway below…

Silence in the Dark

Two years ago, Bailey Adams broke off her engagement to Danny Maxwell and fled Logan Point for the mission field in Chihuahua, Mexico. Now she’s about to return home to the States, but there’s just one problem. After Bailey meets with the uncle of one of the mission children in the city, she barely escapes a sudden danger. Now she’s on the run–she just doesn’t know from whom. To make matters worse, people who help her along the way find themselves in danger too–including Danny.

Who is after her? Will they ever let up? And in the midst of the chaos, can Bailey keep herself from falling in love with her rescuer all over again?

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Leigh & Ben (A Promise to Protect)
Review of Shadows of the Past
Visit Pat’s website and blog
Buy from Amazon: Silence in the Dark or Koorong

Silence in the DarkRR

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22 Responses to The Reading Habits of Patricia Bradley with a giveaway

  1. Love Christian suspense!

  2. So interesting that Patricia requires a happy ending. I love them too, but am ok with an occasional less than sunshine and roses ending.

  3. The story line from the back cover blurb is the main factor in choosing a book. I will say that many times I have read the blurb because I have liked the cover first.

    Patricia, I really want to know what the book is in the top right corner of the TBR picture. It has the word MYSTERY on it and I wondered if it would be a good book to read. I am always on the lookout for good mysteries.

  4. Factors that influence me: author of the book, back cover description, and cover art.

    I’ve enjoyed the last couple Logan Point novels so I’m definitely looking forward to reading this one! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity 😀

  5. I usually first check the publisher to see if it is a Christian publishing company. Other than that, the description on the back is usually what determines if I decide to read it.

  6. I think I am first influenced by the author of the book, and then by the back cover!

  7. I love Christian suspense. I am influenced by a friend’s recommendation and the author.

  8. If it is a genre that I love, which is of course is Christian Suspense. Then I look at the cover and read the blurb. If it is something that grabs my attention then that is what I go for.

  9. First & foremost, it must be Christian fiction! As for other factors, the Love Inspired line is always a must have. Barring that, I go by author, publisher or friend recommendations. The cover of a book can draw my eye first, then the blurb on the back can further make me interested. My two favorite genres and almost always a given, are historical & suspense. I’ve discovered quite a few new-to-me authors just by genre alone! 🙂

    Patricia I so enjoyed your author interview & am so excited for your new book! I too, love both quality writing and a good beginning of a book. One that immediately draws you into the story! My rule of thumb, if I can’t get into the book by the first paragraph, I simply move on. I have WAY too many books to read to waste my time on one I don’t enjoy. 🙂

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy of “Silence in the Dark”!

  10. Cheryl Baranski

    So love Christian suspense.

  11. Great question. Probably the top three factors for me would be a go-to author, the back cover blurb and friend recommendations. Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. I normally pick authors I am familiar with, but am always open to new suggestions!

  13. Familiar authors, subject matter and good reviews are some of the reasons I choose a book.

  14. Authors, genre, cover & synopsis.

  15. I look for favorite authors and categories like romantic suspense, historical romance, contemporary romance or mysteries.

  16. Hi, Pat! Loved the interview!

  17. The one I am reading right now. Teatime for the firefly because it has my full attention it such a book that grabs your attention and keeps it.

  18. Favorite authors and genre.

  19. Many factors influence my book selections. I do like different genres and trying different authors. I also like to read reviews and even a book’s cover draws me in.

  20. I volunteer in the Church Library and have for 37 years. I also am the book buyer for the library.
    I go for the cover, who the author is, what the story is about, who published the book, and last, but not least, the cost of the book.

  21. Author, mystery/suspense, cover, what the story is about.

  22. I am most influenced by the author and the genre. I love romantic suspense!

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