They Almost Always Come Home by Cynthia Ruchti

Synopsis:~ When Libby’s husband Greg fails to return from a two-week canoe trip to the Canadian wilderness, the authorities soon write off his disappearance as an unhappy husband’s...

Getting to know Richard Mabry M.D.

Former physician turned writer, Richard Mabry M.D. combines his medical knowledge with a love of suspense in his debut series, Prescription for Trouble. If you enjoy medical mysteries, pick up your...

Character Spotlight ~ Cynthia Ruchti’s Libby Holden

Libby Holden Cynthia Ruchti’s debut novel has garnered some great endorsements as well as 5 star reviews on popular book sites. Even the notoriously tough Publishers Weekly states,...

Code Blue by Richard Mabry

Synopsis:~ After a broken relationship, all Dr. Cathy Sewall wants is to find healing. But it’s clear that returning to her hometown is a prescription for trouble. When one of Cathy’s...

Character Spotlight ~ Robert Elmer’s Steffen & Hanne

Steffen & Hanne Well know for both adult and kids’ fiction (even a series set in Australia!) Robert Elmer’s latest foray into adult fiction draws on his heritage and the ravages of...

Character Spotlight ~ Richard Mabry’s Dr Cathy Sewell

Dr Cathy Sewell Not content to relax in retirement after a distinguished medical career, Richard Mabry has turned his hand to writing novels! Combining his extensive medical experience with his...