The Mailbox by Marybeth Whalen
When Lindsey first visits the Kindred Spirit mailbox at Sunset Beach, she has no idea that twenty years later she will still be visiting the mailbox – still pouring out her...
Character Spotlight ~ Linda Windsor’s Brenna of Gowrys & Ronan O’Byrne
Brenna & Ronan
Linda Windsor’s book have long been on my shelves and are ones I have read numerous times. Healer commences her new medieval series and is captivating. Meticulous research...
Healer by Linda Windsor
Brenna of Gowrys has grown up in hiding-hunted by the O’Byrne clan, who fear her mother’s dying prophecy, and by her own kinsmen, who expect her to lead them against their...
Book trailer for Lisa T Bergren’s Claim
I’m looking forward to reading the conclusion of Lisa T Bergren’s Homeward Trilogy, Claim. Nic has been a great character in the first two books and he always does things the hard way. ...
Sing by Lisa Tawn Bergren
It’s 1886 and the St. Clairs are living out their dreams in three very separate parts of the world—Paris, Brazil and Colorado. And while each has found a measure of success and joy,...
Character Spotlight ~ Lisa Tawn Bergren’s Moira from Sing and Nic from Claim
Moira & Nic St Claire
Lisa T. Bergren is one talented writer! Over the years she has written romantic suspense, supernatural tales, women’s fiction, children’s books and soon a...