The Mailbox by Marybeth Whalen

Synopsis:~ When Lindsey first visits the Kindred Spirit mailbox at Sunset Beach, she has no idea that twenty years later she will still be visiting the mailbox – still pouring out her...

Character Spotlight ~ Linda Windsor’s Brenna of Gowrys & Ronan O’Byrne

Brenna & Ronan Linda Windsor’s book have long been on my shelves and are ones I have read numerous times. Healer commences her new medieval series and is captivating. Meticulous research...

Healer by Linda Windsor

Synopsis:~ Brenna of Gowrys has grown up in hiding-hunted by the O’Byrne clan, who fear her mother’s dying prophecy, and by her own kinsmen, who expect her to lead them against their...

Book trailer for Lisa T Bergren’s Claim

I’m looking forward to reading the conclusion of Lisa T Bergren’s Homeward Trilogy, Claim. Nic has been a great character in the first two books and he always does things the hard way. ...

Sing by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Synopsis:~ It’s 1886 and the St. Clairs are living out their dreams in three very separate parts of the world—Paris, Brazil and Colorado. And while each has found a measure of success and joy,...

Character Spotlight ~ Lisa Tawn Bergren’s Moira from Sing and Nic from Claim

Moira & Nic St Claire Lisa T. Bergren is one talented writer! Over the years she has written romantic suspense, supernatural tales, women’s fiction, children’s books and soon a...