Coming in late 2013 from Abingdon Press

Abingdon Press has just revealed its latest covers for the American summer so here they are for your enjoyment and comments!  Cover wise I think there are some hits and misses ~ Ace’s,...

Cover Reveal ~ Ronie Kendig’s Beowulf

I’ve been a little AWOL this month as it is our summer holidays down under so I’ve been away here and there as well as having the kids home. Apologies for the patchy posting but I’m...

Author Alert ~ Ian Acheson and Angelguard

I’m thrilled to introduce you to debut author and fellow Australian Ian Acheson and his speculative thriller ANGELGUARD Kregel ~~~~~~~~ Here’s Ian on Ian! My debut novel, Angelguard, is...

Coming in 2013 from Wil Mara & Jamie Carie

Here are two more books I’m looking forward to this year! Jamie Carie is self publishing her first contemporary romance and Wil Mara’s Tyndale cover is now available ~ I love it! You can...

Coming in 2013 from Susan May Warren

I’ve long been a fan of Susie May Warren and have every one of her books on my shelves! In April, 2013 she begins a new series in a familiar location ~ the Christiansen Family series set in...

Coming in 2013 from Erynn Mangum

The joyful Erynn Mangum is back with a new series for readers to enjoy, with Paige Alder taking centre stage! Be looking for her new release from NavPress in May, 2013. Paige Torn by Erynn...