RBC Book Club Interview with Jeanette Windle

What a privilege it was to have author and missionary, Jeanette Windle, answer our questions about her brilliant novel, Veiled Freedom at our meeting on 5th February, 2010. We submitted questions...

Veiled Freedom by Jeanette Windle

Disillusioned and bitter from his first experience in Kabul, Afghanistan as a Sergeant in the US Special Forces, security specialist Steve Wilson finds little has changed in the strife torn nation. ...

Character Spotlight ~ Jeanette Windle’s Steve Wilson and Amy Mallory

Today the spotlight shines on…Steve Wilson & Amy Mallory There is no doubt in my mind that Jeanette Windle is a writer of exceptional skill and a woman with a compassionate heart for those...

Sneak Peek at Veiled Freedom by Jeanette Windle

Jeanette Windle is a favourite author of mine so I am thrilled I only have to wait a few more months before her next release. Her books combine suspense, political intrigue, action and romance and...

CFBA Blog Tour of Betrayed by Jeanette Windle

This week, theChristian Fiction Blog Allianceis introducingBetrayedTyndale House Publishers (February 6, 2008)byJeanette Windle ABOUT THE AUTHOR: As the child of missionary parents, award-winning...

Interview with Jeanette Windle

Jeanette Windle is a fabulous author, devoted mum and passionate about destitute children, particularly in South America where she grew up and later returned to as a missionary with her husband. Her...