Special Character Spotlight ~ Lisa McKay’s Cori

Today the spotlight shines on……………………Cori Lisa McKay’s 2007 novel, My Hands Came Away Red, is one of the most moving and beautifully written...

Unexpected Joy by Lisa McKay

One of the great joys of this reviewing caper has been “meeting” the wonderful Lisa McKay ~ psychologist, Aussie, author and most recently fiancée (congrats, Lisa and Mike!). Lisa sent...

Interview with Lisa McKay

Lisa McKay’s debut novel, my hands came away red, has impacted me on many levels and I encourage everyone to read it as soon as they can. A fellow Aussie, Lisa could hardly say no when I...

My Hands Came Away Red by Lisa McKay

“It would be nice if my main motivation had been sharing the love of Jesus, or at least helping the poor…” Frustrated by pressure she feels from her former boyfriend and confused...

Christian Fiction Challenge ~ my hands came away red ~ new read I have been dying to share!

1. Title: my hands came away red 2. Author: Lisa McKay 3. Copyright: Moody, 2007 4. How long was the book languishing in your TBR pile?: 2 weeks 5. What made you buy/borrow the book...

Aussie, aussie, aussie ~ oi, oi, oi!!!!

For those of you who are wondering what on earth the title is about, that is a famous Aussie cheer we use at the cricket and any other event when we want to support an Australian athlete. I am using...