Character Spotlight ~ M L Tyndall’s Lady Isabel Ashton & Kent Frederick Carlton from The Restitution

Today the spotlight shines on…………………Lady Isabel Ashton and Captain Kent Carlton In The Restitution, MaryLu manages to turn a ruthless pirate into a true...

Character Spotlight ~ M L Tyndall’s Lady Charlisse Bristol & Captain Edmund Merrick

Today the spotlight shines on…………………….Lady Charlisse Bristol and Captain Edmund Merrick MaryLu Tyndall’s Legacy of the...

Character Spotlight ~ ML Tyndall’s Chase Randal & Dominique Celine Lawson

Today the spotlight shines on…………………….Chase Randal and Dominique Lawson MaryLu Tyndall forged new ground with her Legacy of the King’s Pirates...

Preview of M L Tyndall’s The Red Siren

Here’s a book I can’t wait to read – MaryLu Tyndall’s first in her new Charles Towne Belles series, The Red Siren. Hang in there with me until January, 2009 when it releases...

The Falcon and the Sparrow by ML Tyndall

Born to an English Admiral and a beautiful Frenchwoman, Dominique Dawson discovers her heritage is more burden than blessing. As Napoleon threatens the might of the English fleet, Dominique is...

Trailer for M L Tyndall’s The Falcon and the Sparrow

As most of you would know contemporary novels are my favs but there are few authors whose historicals I won’t miss ~ MaryLu Tyndall is one of those authors. I have highlighted her newest novel,...