Coming in 2010 from Revell ~ Historical/Amish
Next up from Revell are their historical and Amish releases for 2010.
Thrilled to see debut author Sarah Sundin starting a three book series set during World War II and Jill back with her second book...
Sneak peek at Ginger Garrett’s In the Arms of Immortals
I loved the first book in Ginger’s Chronicles of the Scribe series and can’t wait to read this one, releasing in September from David C Cook – enjoy the sneak peek!
The Black...
Coming soon from Amberly & Brandilyn Collins
Fabulous “Seatbelt Suspense” author, Brandilyn Collins has teamed up with her teenage daughter, Amberly to write the Rayne Tour series, starting with Always Watching.This daughter of a...
Coming soon from Amberly & Brandilyn Collins
Fabulous “Seatbelt Suspense” author, Brandilyn Collins has teamed up with her teenage daughter, Amberly to write the Rayne Tour series, starting with Always Watching.This daughter of a...
Blog tour of Before the Season Ends by Linore Rose Burkard ~ Part 1
With Christmas just around the corner, I am inundated with celebrations, end of year functions and extra kids’ activities and sadly, my reading has suffered 🙁 I had hoped to have a full...
2009 Releases from Avon Inspire
The Desires of her Heart by Lyn Cote
Dorritt Mott is a woman ahead of her time! In 1821, when events make it impossible for her family to remain in New Orleans, they head for Texas and Steven...