Sneak Peek at Christa Parrish’s Watch Over Me

Christa Parrish’s debut novel Home Another Way was a breath of fresh air in the Christian Fiction market. I’m really looking forward to being equally engaged in her next novel, Watch...

Sneak Peek at Veiled Freedom by Jeanette Windle

Jeanette Windle is a favourite author of mine so I am thrilled I only have to wait a few more months before her next release. Her books combine suspense, political intrigue, action and romance and...

Sneak Peek at The Vanishing Sculptor by Donita K Paul

My 10 year old daughter loved Donita K Paul’s DragonKeeper Chronicles. I read the first one, Dragonspell to her and then she devoured the rest. She will be thrilled Donita is back with The...

Sneak Peek at A Passion Denied by Julie Lessman

Julie Lessman’s books are such a treat! I was so taken with Brady in A Passion Redeemed I can’t wait for his and Beth’s story in A Passion Denied ~ sigh! Hang in there until it...

Sneak peek at If Tomorrow Never Comes by Marlo Schalesky

Given that my book club is discussing Marlo’s Beyond the Night this evening, a book I loved, I was excited to see the cover of the next in the series, If Tomorrow Never Comes. The cover is...

Sneak peek at Bon Appetit by Sandra Byrd

It is worth buying this book just for the cover – LOL!!! Can’t wait to read the next instalment in Lexi’s journey, Bon Appetit by Sandra Byrd. Pastries, Paris and...