Coming soon from Robert Liparulo

Fabulous author and all around top bloke, Bob Liparulo, is starting 2009 with a double treat from Thomas Nelson. Click on the titles to pre order and Bob’s name to check out his...

Character Spotlight ~ Rachel Hauck’s Elle Garvey from Love Starts With Elle

Welcome to the first Character Spotlight post! The compassionate and thought provoking Rachel Hauck gets to play guinea pig for me! Please leave a comment with your thoughts on this little...

Upcoming releases from Thomas Nelson

Some amazing books coming in December and early 2009 from Thomas Nelson! Click on the titles and Author names for more 🙂 Sweetwater Gap by Denise Hunter Josephine doesn’t want to return to...

The Convenient Groom by Denise Hunter

Life is all about straight neat lines and ordered predictability for Kate Lawrence, marriage guru and new author of Finding Mr-Right-for-You. Her celebrity status will hit new heights with her own...

House of Wolves by Matt Bronleewe & trailer

Career day at his 9 year old’s school is almost a little more than August Adams can bear, given the bombshell his former wife dropped on him the night before. Rather than bore the kids with a...

Love Starts With Elle by Rachel Hauck and signed giveaway

Artistic and a little bohemian, Elle Garvey loves life in small town Beaufort, South Carolina where she owns an art gallery. Engaged to Jeremiah Franklin, a pastor who oozes confidence and charisma,...