The Grit behind the Glam in Old Hollywood by Stephanie Landsem (with giveaway)
Known for her Biblical fiction, Stephanie Landsem steps out into a new genre with her latest release, In a Far-Off Land, an historical romance set in 1930s Hollywood.
Known for her impeccable...
A Day in the Life of Austin Foster by T.I. Lowe (with giveaway)
I’m delighted to feature the fabulous T. I. Lowe on the blog again and honoured by this extra special feature she has created for you, my readers. I’ve had the pleasure of...
How Fiction Broadens Your View and Helps You Value Everyone by Chris Fabry (with giveaway)
Chris Fabry is an extraordinary storyteller and his stories have been favourite book club picks of mine for years. It’s my pleasure to host him on the blog. I love his advocacy of fiction...
10 Little Known Facts about Little Women Author Louisa May Alcott by Heidi Chiavaroli (with giveaway)
Most young girls who are readers (at least of my era!) will have indulged in Little Women, relishing the relationships between the sisters, identifying with at least one of them, and swooning...
Cover Reveal: Lori Benton’s Shiloh (Kindred #2)
It’s cover reveal time for Shiloh, the second installment in Lori Benton’s Kindred duology. If you haven’t yet read Mountain Laurel (Kindred #1) be sure to grab a copy before Shiloh...
What Was It Like to Be a Nurse during the Civil War? By Tara Johnson (with giveaway)
Nursing is close to my heart these days. Certainly not because I have any capabilities in that regard! I’m way to queasy for such a job. But my middle daughter is in her final year of her...