Character Spotlight ~ Jeanette Windle’s Steve Wilson and Amy Mallory

Today the spotlight shines on…Steve Wilson & Amy Mallory

There is no doubt in my mind that Jeanette Windle is a writer of exceptional skill and a woman with a compassionate heart for those oppressed. Veiled Freedom is an amazing read, one that has both challenged and enthralled me and should not be missed. I do hope this insight into her complex and engaging characters encourages you to buy this book. I can’t wait for the sequel.

Do comment if you have time, I’m sure Jeanette would love to hear your thoughts if you have read or plan to read this moving book.

Over to you, Jeanette:~


Brief physical description

Caucasian male, six-foot-one, dark hair, gray eyes, tanned, physically fit. Usually found wearing the PSC uniform of safari-beige clothing, combat boots, wrap-around sunglasses. Add bullet-proof vest when he can’t get away without it. Goes nowhere without a Glock-19 concealed where it’s easiest to draw and feels naked without an M-4 automatic rifle close at hand.

Actor/famous person who might resemble him

To be honest, I can’t think of a famous person/actor I’d choose for the role, mainly because my character isn’t a pretty boy. But if I have to take a stab at someone close, I’d pick Daniel Craig, current James Bond in Quantum of Solace, though maybe take ten years off since character is age 30.


Courageous. Dependable. Never quit a mission yet he’s committed to carry through. Has a strong sense of justice even when it comes to breaking his own principles about sticking his neck out for other people’s bad choices.


He hasn’t lost his faith in God, but he’s l
ong since lost faith that humanity is worth saving, especially that segment of it among whom he’s currently fighting. Nor does he have much patience for civilians, or trust anyone except other soldiers who know what it’s like to be ‘boots on the ground’.

Quirk (if any)

Doesn’t like to admit to softer side, especially when it comes to female aid workers with the annoying habit of stumbling into trouble while rescuing stray humans. If asked her opinion, said female aid worker might describe him as daunting, sarcastic, tough as nails and way too bossy. On the other hand, there’s something about a guy who’d hunt up a puppy in dog-scarce Kabul just to make a bunch of orphans to whom he owes no responsibility smile.

Your inspiration for the character

The real Special Forces/PSC types I’ve known and who have had input into Veiled Freedom, some of whom were ‘boots on the ground’ in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom and as private security contractors in the aftermath of later years. Their attitudes and opinions, hopes and dreams, pride of mission, and disillusionment at the current corruption, greed, violence and oppression in the country they shed blood to liberate, all became part of the character that plays their role, Special Forces Master Sergeant Steve Wilson.


Brief physical description

Caucasian female, five-foot-seven, slim and tautly muscled, from the exigencies of her daily life rather than a gym. Hazel eyes that shift from brown to green, lashes and eyebrows startlingly dark, considering the fine, straight platinum blonde hair spilling halfway down her back. Too firm of chin and candid of expression for classic beauty, but draws glances, especially when a sympathetic smile lights her eyes. Which is every time she stoops to lift a child into her arms. For dress, considers the loose tunic over drawstring pants of local Afghan women’s wear the most comfortable clothing style invented, but isn’t so happy about a headscarf or the resulting ‘chador hair’.

Actor/famous person who might resemble her

Again, I can’t think who I’d choose for the role. Maybe Meg Ryan for pure physical attributes, but not personality. If you’ve got an idea who would fit, I’d love to hear it. Though I think I could go for Meg Ryan in City of Angels where she’s a pediatrician.


Empathy. Commitment. Fiercely independent and compassionate toward the hurting and helpless. Strong sense of adventure and humor. Adding new countries and languages is a bonus. As her long-suffering father often jokes, because it’s easier than worrying, drop Amy Mallory into any back corner of the planet, and you can count on her emerging unscathed, chattering a new language, a fresh project under way, and a host of new friends in tow.


Empathy. Commitment. Fierce independence and compassion, sense of adventure and humor. At least in a certain security contractor’s opinion, the mishaps into which Amy’s soft heart occasionally leads her makes these characteristics more drawback than asset.

Quirk (if any)

Detests wearing a burqa and figures tall, lean Special Ops types who’ve always got a snide remark for female companions should be sentenced to spending twenty-four hours in one.

Your inspiration for the character

Like Special Forces Master Sergeant Steve Wilson, humanitarian aid worker Amy Mallory was definitely inspired by her real-life counterparts I’ve known and worked with over the years who serve quietly, selflessly, and without ever making the news as hands and feet and heart of Isa Masih (Jesus Christ) to shine the light of His love into dark places of this world.

Background to the story

Despite the ugliness of war, I rejoiced in the post-9/11 overthrow of Afghanistan’s Taliban, believing it presaged new hope for freedom and peace in that region. Neither freedom nor peace ever materialized. Instead today’s headlines reflect the rising violence, corruption, lawlessness and despair. The signing of Afghanistan’s new constitution, establishing an Islamic republic under sharia law–and paid for with Western coalition dollars and the blood of our soldiers–tolled a death knell for any hope of real democracy. And yet the many players I‘ve met in this drama have involved themselves for the most part with the best of intentions. The more I came to know the region and love its people, I was left asking, “Can outsiders ever truly purchase freedom for another culture or people?” That question birthed VEILED FREEDOM.

A suicide bombing brings together a disillusioned Special Forces veteran, an idealistic relief worker, and an Afghan refugee on Kabul’s dusty streets. The ensuing explosion will not only test the hypocrisy of Western leadership and Afghanistan’s new democracy, but start all three on their own personal quest. What is the true source of freedom–and its cost?”

Jeanette ~ thank you so much for sharing about Steve and Amy. Maybe, we can learn about Jamil when the sequel is published?!

On Monday, the spotlight shines on Candace Calvert’s Dr Logan Caldwell and Claire Avery from her debut novel, Critical Care – it is another fabulous spotlight so see you then 🙂

Relz Reviewz Extras

Review of Veiled Freedom and Betrayed

Read the first chapter of Veiled Freedom

Interview with Jeanette

Visit Jeanette’s website and blog

Buy Jeanette’s books at Amazon or Koorong

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7 Responses to Character Spotlight ~ Jeanette Windle’s Steve Wilson and Amy Mallory

  1. lol i haven't had a chance to read the book yet but anyone who resembles Daniel Craig is a plus in my book. unfortunately i used to have a crush on a Steve Wilson in college. and he didn't look like daniel craig 🙁

  2. Hehe! Thought Daniel might get you in – you will love this book 🙂 Thanks for dropping by!

  3. I agree Rel, Jeanette Windle writes exceptional books. Daniel Craig is a cutie! Why when men age they get better looking. Not fair, not fair at all!

  4. Okay Rel…sequel….I'm hyperventilating!! This was an AMAZING story!! I'll be posting an interview with Jeanette in a couple of weeks regarding this book. AMAZING!!

  5. C.J. Darlington

    Always great to read these. I'm getting a copy of Veiled Freedom shortly!

  6. I'm reading this one now, and was thrilled to see this post! I love the photos you have here, I'm all for visual aids. 🙂

  7. Thanks girls for dropping by 😉 It really is a fabulous book – glad you enjoyed the behind the scenes look.

    I'm looking forward to your interview, Kim and yes, can't wait for the sequel, either.

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