Finding Marie by Susan Page Davis


Marie Belanger, a naval lieutenant’s wife, unexpectedly finds a computer flash drive in her carry–on luggage at the airport. Moments later the woman she had been sitting with on the plane from Tokyo is murdered. Suddenly her journey from San Francisco to her home in Maine becomes a nightmare as Marie is forced to run for her life. Her husband, Lt. Pierre Belanger, contacts his best friend, George Hudson, and together they set out on a search for Marie that spans the country. As hard as they try, they seem to stay one step behind their enemies, who are just one step behind Marie.

My take:~

Susan Page Davis has crafted another engrossing espionage novel filled with intrigue, faith and love. Pierre and Marie Belanger return from the first book in this series, Frasier Island together with George and Rachel Hudson. It is however, Pierre’s brother, Andre and Marie’s sister, Lisa who provide the romantic spark in this novel. While their life long angst with each other was over a little too quickly, their relationship is both fun and appealing. The dramatic tension Marie feels as she tries to outrun her assailants is excellent and Pierre’s despair palpable. Finding Marie is a wonderful addition to any romantic suspense devotee’s bookshelf.

I am delighted to report Harvest House has contracted a third novel in the exciting series.

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4 Responses to Finding Marie by Susan Page Davis

  1. hope you had a merry christmas too! sadly i got no books 🙁 if you can believe it. i did get 3 DVDs…harry potter and pirates 3 lol

  2. Can you put that in my tbr pile please as I enjoyed Frasier Island. Ta Rel, love me

  3. Rel-Happy Friday!!! I got the book giveaway today–Finding Father Christmas….but I got 2 (was I supposed to get 2?? If so, thank you and I will give it as a gift to a friend, but if not please tell me where to send it to).Thanks

  4. Rel-
    Happy Friday!!! I got the book giveaway today–Finding Father Christmas….but I got 2 (was I supposed to get 2?? If so, thank you and I will give it as a gift to a friend, but if not please tell me where to send it to).


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