In the Shadow of Lions by Ginger Garrett & Giveaway

A bitter and prideful woman is facing imminent death when she is visited by the Scribe and is plunged into the turbulent and violent world of Henry VIII, his court, his advisors and his women.

Anne Boleyn is determined not to meet the fate of her sister by becoming King Henry’s mistress, despite his persistent attempts to woo her. Remaining pure and faithful to God’s call on her life she is strengthened by what she reads in the very first English translation of the Bible.

A woman of the night, Rose hopes for transformation of her heart, soul and mind when she is taken in by the devout Thomas More, a man searching for redemption in unimaginable ways, yet showing her a compassion she has never known.

As these two women try to find their way in a cruel and unforgiving world, the men in their lives wield power and influence without restraint.

Ginger Garrett’s expertise in recreating the stories of women who changed the world is on full show in this epic tale of love, faith, fear and persecution. With impeccable research, Ginger provides an alternative view of Anne Boleyn as a woman keeping her promise to God in refusing Henry’s advances as he sought desperately to father a son. In The Shadow of Lions reveals the terrible lengths many church leaders went to in order to prevent the Bible from being accessible to the people and is a heart rending and often difficult story to read. While not overly graphic, the violence meted out to those who opposed the dominance of the organised church, is a tragic reminder of the sacrifice others made so we can enjoy the privilege of owning a Bible. The numerous transitions between scenes of the Scribe, Anne and Rose requires that your mind be fully engaged in this complex story but the reward to staying focused is great. Immerse yourself in the beginnings of the Reformation and see God’s hand at work in history.


Thanks to Glass Road PR, I have a copy of Ginger’s novel to give away.

To enter, post a comment before midnight Sunday 7th September, 2008, with contact details and tell me which historical female figure most fascinates you.

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