Turn to Me by Becky Wade (with giveaway) All That It Takes by Nicole Deese (with giveaway) The Buy-In by Emma St. Clair Sunrise by Susan May Warren with giveaway

The winner of Licensed for Trouble is……

Jen ~ as selected by a random number generator.

Congratulations! Your book will be on its way to you shortly.

Character Spotlight ~ Melody Carlson’s Four Lindas

Meet the Four Lindas, the stars of Hometown Ties

Melody Carlson is giving us something different with her latest series, focusing on childhood friends now in their 50s, learning to adjust and live life to the full. Enjoy this insight into her lovely ladies!

Over to you, Melody:~

Linda Caroline AKA Caroline McCann

The class beauty, Caroline left Clifden with dreams of being a famous actress, marrying Prince Charming, and living happily ever after. After more than thirty years of bit parts and commercials, heartache and waiting tables, she left Hollywood to return to her roots and her

Love is Monumental by Annalisa Daughety


National Park Ranger Vickie Harris loves her job assignment at the Washington Monument in her nation’s capital. But while life in the District of Columbia is exciting and fun, the shy and withdrawn Vickie has resigned herself to the likelihood of being single forever. When a handsome professor asks the research-loving park ranger for her assistance on a project, Vickie reluctantly agrees. Will she come out of her shell long enough for the professor to get to know her? If she can only break out of her introverted ways, she might be surprised to discover that Love Is Monumental.

Character Spotlight ~ Hillary Manton Lodge’s Sara Burkholder & William Blythe

Sara & Will

As you know Amish fiction isn’t really my thing, but I thoroughly enjoyed Hillary’s debut novel, Plain Jayne so I am certainly looking forward to Simply Sara as Amish girl, Sara, hits the big smoke!

Enjoy this look at Hillary’s latest characters.

Over to you, Hillary:~

Brief physical description

Sara Burkholder is on the petite side and blond, with a delicate facial structure. This is the photo we used for Sara when putting together the cover. I have no idea who she is, but she’s the right age, facial structure, hair – and you can tell she’s

For Time & Eternity by Allison Pittman ~ Tracy’s Take

Publisher’s Synopsis:

All Camilla Deardon knows of the Mormons camping nearby is the songs she hears floating on the breeze. Then she meets one of them—a young man named Nathan Fox. Never did she imagine he would be so handsome, so charming, especially after Mama and Papa’s warnings to stay away. Though she knows she should obey her parents, Camilla can’t refuse her heart. But even Nathan’s promises cannot prepare her for what she will face in Utah.

What I thought:

‘For Time and Eternity’ showcases Allison’s skill as an outstanding storyteller. Her writing is infused with grace and

Coming in March, 2011 from CJ Darlington and Tyndale

Check out CJ Darlington’s second novel, releasing from Tyndale in March, 2011. I love the books on the cover and the play on words of the title.

CJ is an amazing lady, co-founder of TitleTrakk.com and soon to by a multi-published author 😉

Bound by Guilt by CJ Darlington

Roxi Gold has been shuttled from one foster home to another most of her life. She longs for a family and will do anything to fit in – even if it’s against the law. Soon she’s traveling the country in an RV stealing rare books from unsuspecting bookstores. If she refuses