Return of the Guardian King by Karen Hancock

Return of the Guardian King marks the journey’s end for Abramm Kalladorne, Kiriath, Chesedh and Eidon’s Light and what an epic pilgrimage it has been!

Presumed dead by his followers and family alike, Abramm has escaped to the winter wasteland of Caerna’tha with a small band of exiles who believe him to be a fellow commoner by the name of Alaric. Abramm is desperate to return to his beloved wife, Maddie, who is alone in her hope that Abramm and her sons are alive. Fierce storms, the evil Tapheina and even Eidon himself seem determined to keep them apart.

The seed of hope buried deep in Maddie’s heart that Abramm is coming home is slowly dying with the appealing Draek Tiris courting her and her family and even dear friend, Trap Meridon encouraging her to wed and protect her crown.

Trap has troubles of his own that threaten his once grounded faith and put at risk his career and eventually his life. The battle is on between good and evil and the destiny of all may rest on the willingness of one man to remain faithful to Eidon and sacrifice beyond what he can imagine.

Karen Hancock’s final book is spellbinding and a fitting end to this wonderful fantasy/allegorical series. The faith and love of Abramm, Maddie and Trap are tested more than ever before and their responses are genuine and heartfelt. The reader has little difficulty imagining the land, the people and the intricate politics of the warring countries as Karen’s writing is of the highest calibre. The characters’ individual struggles are portrayed so well that I was fully invested in the outcomes of their choices. The tension between Trap and Carissa and their languishing marriage is excellent and juxtaposed beautifully with Abramm and Maddie’s seemingly unfounded commitment to each other despite their physical separation. Staffids, shapeshifters and the purging of physical evil by the cleansing light of Eidon are vivid allegorical descriptions of our own lives.

Return of the Guardian King is engrossing, entertaining and challenging. The message at it’s heart is powerful and not to be missed. This is a landmark series to be enjoyed more than once.

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