Olivia Newport: The Historical Bug…and a giveaway

Author Olivia NOliviaNewportewport has a special place in my heart! She was one of the fabulous DEBS who launched their writing careers on my blog 3 years ago. What a whirlwind ride Olivia has had since that time, releasing eight novels and a serialisation, with more to come. I’m delighted Olivia is sharing on my blog once again ~ enjoy her feature post and be sure to enter the giveaway below.


When I grow up, I want to be one of those writers who are so secure that they never look at online reviews.

I’m not there yet. I do look from time to time.

Sometimes I wish I hadn’t, but sometimes I’m glad I did. Recently I saw a sweet review from someone who observed that all my books have a historical element, even if they have a contemporary setting. That warmed my heart. Someone noticed that I can’t quite let go of my curiosity about moments long gone, even if they existed solely in my imagination.

When it comes to writing Amish stories, it all started when I discovered a family line tracing back to when the Charming Nancy arrived on the shores of America in 1737. That led to three books with intertwining contemporary and historical storylines. You would think I got it out of my system.

But no. Once the historical bug bites …

My curiosity then dragged me into turning points in Amish history. What made the various group break off? What are some of the differences between them? What situations prodded them to make decisions about what technology they embraced?

My first books were historical fiction, and then I wandered into Amish stories. But the truth is I never let go of the historical genre. Imagine my delight when I had the opportunity to blend the two kinds of stories. Serious giggling here.

First came Wonderful Lonesome, about a struggling settlement a hundred years ago only 90 minutes away from where I live now. I’d driven through there dozens of times and never knew! And now comes Meek and Mild, about how the Beachy Amish resulted from brewing conflict along the border between Pennsylvania and Maryland.

Here’s the story in brief.

Meek and MildSuddenly shun has become a serious word for Clara Kuhn. As 1917 approaches, her Amish church’s aging bishop comes down hard on members who dally in untraditional practices—like offering Sunday school for children—and Clara’s gift for telling Bible stories to little ones collides with new mandates. The young Pennsylvania Amish woman had always moved freely over the state line to visit family in the more progressive Maryland district, but now those visits are coming under scrutiny by some members of Clara’s church.

On the verge of accepting Andrew Raber’s marriage proposal, Clara is unsure what to make of his new hobby to rehabilitate an abandoned Model T. Just how hard can they push against the bishop’s wishes?

As the chasm widens between Old Order Amish and the Marylanders, and tensions rise between longtime friends and close-knit family, Clara and Andrew must look inward to examine their own hearts and consciences and, above all, seek Gottes wille—God’s will.

I’d love to have you connect with me at www.olivianewport.com, @OliviaNewport or www.facebook.com/OliviaNewport.


Relz Reviewz Extras
Interview with Olivia
Olivia’s Author Alert
Visit Olivia’s website and blog

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16 Responses to Olivia Newport: The Historical Bug…and a giveaway

  1. I like reading about war settings. Although I’d go for almost any history period. I’m an avid history buff!

  2. I like reading novels from early Biblical days!

  3. I read a lot of books that are in the 1700 and 1800’s. It is one of my favorite era’s to read about. And the Medieval era too!

  4. I love when history and a story merge together. It is fun to learn about history through the lens of real life.

  5. I love historical fiction and Amish fiction, which drew me to Olivia Novels! Thanks for sticking with the historical fictional, Olivia. It’s like going back in time, but with book. Not a time machine. 😉

  6. I love reading about the 1800’s but i think every time period is interestingin it’s own way,
    I loved Wonderful Lonesome it is a very inspiring book.

  7. i think my favorite is Elizabethan or the civil war.

  8. I love the Civil War era and also World War II. Thanks for this interview.

  9. Love your books! Thanks for a chance to win:)

  10. the 1800’s.. Victorian, Western or war I love them all…
    dkstevensneAToutlookD OtCo M

  11. Love the Civil War histsoricals and non-fiction too!

  12. My favorite time period to read about is the Civil War and post Civil War.

  13. I like to read books set in post civil war America, particularly about the settling of the American West.

  14. I enjoy reading Christian Fiction from the Civil War to the Present Day.
    Thank you for entering me in your giveaway.

  15. I like many genres but for sure the Pioneer times. Love Amish books since first reading Beverly Lewis” the Shunning. Was hooked for sure I just love to read. Love Historical Romances, fictional.
    I enjoyed your writing story Olivia. Would love to win your book. Thanks to you and Rel for having a chance. Maxie

  16. I don’t really have a favorite. I minored in history in college and love about every period in both American and world. I kind of gravitate toward Biblical and medieval in world history and Colonial in American.

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