Authors, and interviews, and pictures! Oh my!


With a big thank you for your patience, and with enduring gratefulness to my dear friend and brilliant designer, Kelli Standish of Pulse Point Design, I’m delighted to say that my American ACFW Adventure is now available to you in images, audio, and video!

What a privilege it was to spend time with wonderful authors and record some of their thoughts about their stories, characters, and more. You can listen to all our audio interviews, view the Mad Minute videos, and scroll through my many photos to see some of the fun that was had.

My appreciation for the authors I had the delight to interview knows no bounds – their willingness to spend some of their precious ACFW time with some Aussie girl with a funny accent was such a blessing – though I did have lollies and Tim Tams to tempt them 😉 I hope you enjoy each of these interviews, appreciate anew these amazing people who bring so much joy and challenge to our lives through story (and their own blood, sweat, and tears), and for some of you, discover new writers and novels to read through this page.

I adored the time I spent, even if only for a Kodak moment, with authors I did not get to interview ~ a very special thanks to Tosca Lee who shared lunch with me, which is such a treasured memory!  I’m still discovering dear writer folk who were there but our paths never crossed…sigh!

Big apologies for not have an audio or Mad Minute with the stunning Ronie Kendig ~ we were having way too much fun being roomies and chatting about all manner of things to get around to doing any “work”! What a joy it was to spend time with you, Ronie ~ words cannot express the preciousness of having that girl time!

**Special note ~ please bear in mind that the interview with the Smitten girls ~ Colleen, Kristin, and Denise ~ was completed before their beloved friend and fellow writer, Diann Hunt, passed away. What an honour it was to see how precious Diann was to these three women.**

My trip remains a very precious memory, full of funny, fabulous, and meaningful moments, I won’t ever forget. I hope you are able to catch a glimpse of that on my Audio & Video page by clicking on this link or the link in my navigator bar. But before you rush off there, here’s a couple of “unique” videos Jen B. Jones and I, unintentionally, put together for you 😉 The fault lies completely with me ~ try guessing any of the authors you might see or hear in the background!

For all those people who made this dream possible, including my darling husband and girls, I can’t thank you enough for the blessing you brought to me.

Hope you enjoy, dear friends…

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17 Responses to Authors, and interviews, and pictures! Oh my!

  1. Thanks for sharing, but a word of advice–don’t quit your day job to go into video. : ) Seriously, this gives a taste of the fun you all had. Sorry I missed it.

  2. Oh too funny! I loved those snippets! 🙂

  3. Wonderful video–so much fun!! You’re so awesome to share a taste with us. And I have no regrets about having too much fun to remember to do an interview. I wouldn’t trade our time together for anything!!

  4. Super, super job, Rel. Fabulous we all get to share some of your experience & get an a little inside scoop into our fave authors.

    Well done.

  5. Loving it so far. will take time to listen to it all.

  6. Loving Aarons interview as Gilbert Morris is my favourite Author and one I would most love to meet.

    • Thanks so much! Gilbert is truly a wonderful person. And I know he would love to meet you as he loves to meet his readers!

      • Thanks Aaron, I actually snail mailed him back in the 90’s and we wrote a couple of letters. He was so nice said he was going to name a Winslow Jenny not sure if that happened. I loved the series but haven’t finished it yet. I loved the one you wrote with him too. My favourite was the Appomattox series which is why I wrote to him.

  7. Great to revisit such a fun weekend. So good to meet you, Rel, at last.. so far from home.
    I loved the Vegemite Taste Test photos!!! Made my mouth water for vegemite toast. 🙂

  8. Nicely done. ;P

  9. awwww Rel I adore your accent! and I love that you put these interviews together! What a fun way to experience ACFW and to share with all of us! You are awesome Rel!

  10. How fun are you?! So great!!

  11. So fun Rel!!!!

  12. Thanks so much for doing these and posting them, Rel. It brought back great memories! By the way, I am spending a lot of time watching tennis from your way now. Go Nole!

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