Baroness by Susan May Warren

“How could she hope to find her place in a world where she knew she didn’t belong?”

Lilly Joy Hoyt Stewart longs for the Montana prairie but reluctantly finds herself in Paris, a place of beauty and culture that holds no appeal to her.  Feeling hemmed in by her mother and step father’s wishes, Lilly meets pilot Rennie Dupree who introduces her to the freedom of flying the skies.

“Rosie longed for the energy, the joie de vivre of Paris to sweep her up, to carry her down the Champs-Elysees, and into a different life.”

Unlike her cousin Lilly, Rosie adores Paris, away from the ever present supervision of her mother, Jinx, and step-father Bennett, a man she cannot forgive.  Enamoured with the silver screen and the glamourous lifestyle, Lilly hopes to break loose of her family’s expectations to marry well and find fame and fortune her own way.

Away from their parents’ watchful eyes, Lilly and Rosie discover there is more to life than following in the family tradition and eagerly grasp opportunities to flaunt the wishes of their family, as they meet men who introduce them to a world never imagined.  From the skies over Paris to the bright lights of the city, Lilly and Rosie finds themselves making choices that will impact their hopes and dreams and dedice their future, but will it truly bring them the freedom they seek?

Susan May Warren plunges readers into the Roaring Twenties with flappers, flyboys and two feisty women.  Beautifully executed, Baroness, is a captivating tale, brimming with intriguing historical detail and vibrant characters.   Warren gives her characters complex emotions and  struggles that evoke the same feelings in the reader.  Spiritual themes are effortlessly woven throughout the story, both challenging and encouraging but never overwhelming.  There are dashing men a plenty, some genuine and others with ulterior motives, but each are authentic characters that bring out the cousins’ weaknesses and strengths.  The dangerous world of both wing walking and New York’s dance halls and clubs, fascinate and repel under Warren’s deft hand.  Her brilliance shines as she keeps readers guessing where Lilly and Rosie’s affections with ultimately lie and whether their decisions will lead to happiness or heartache, neither being assured.  Baroness is a stunning addition to the Daughters of Fortune series and Duchess simply can’t come soon enough!

As seen at

With thanks to Litfuse from my review copy

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Lilly
Character spotlight on Jinx Worth
Reviews of HeiressNightingale & Sons of Thunder
Visit Susie’s website and blog
Buy Susie’s books at Amazon or Koorong



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