Blog tour of The Begotten & The Betrayed by Lisa Tawn Bergren

I have enjoyed Lisa’s books for years and was intrigued by the thought of her writing a medieval suspense series given her past novels were mainly in the romance genre. Well, Lisa has left me in no doubt about her ability to write a stunning tale with everything you could expect from an epic adventure steeped in the mysteries of faith and the age old battle between good and evil! I have reviewed the books below but first a little bit about this amazingly talented author!

Lisa’s Bio:~

Lisa Tawn Bergren is the author of 28 books, with over 1.3 million sold. She is a publishing consultant, writer, Bible study leader, mother and wife. Her hobbies include travel (mostly from an armchair), reading, watching movies, cooking and exploring with her family. Lisa’s most recent books include The Begotten, The Betrayed, God Gave Us Heaven, What Women Want and The Busy Mom’s Devotional. She resides in Colorado Springs, Colorado. To sign up for her monthly email (which includes a new, unpublished devotional) go to and join her newsletter list.

Now for my reviews:~

The Begotten

A betraye
d noblewoman, her mute freed slave and her devoted white falcon, Bormeo find themselves drawn in to an old priest’s belief that she, Lady Dario d’Angelo has a holy gift, one of healing and is chosen by God to impact the world as one of his Gifted. While mystified by Father Piero’s message, Daria thoughts are transformed when God uses her to heal a nun’s mangled hand. Journeying back to her home town of Siena, Daria saves the life of a Captain of the Vatican Guard, Gianni de Capezzana, a man of great faith and God’s gathering of the Gifted has begun.

Sought after by the church hoping to harness the Gifted’s power for its own gain while being hunted by an evil Sorcerer bent on the destruction of God’s people, this unlikely group of believers seek out an ancient prophecy to guide their way and protect the world from an insidious evil.

I was enjoyably engaged in the first seven chapters of The Begotten but as the action and suspense started to build I was totally committed to this intriguing tale of faith, rich in history with mesmerising characterisation. Lisa Tawn Bergren’s extensive research is obvious with fascinating detail of the political and spiritual climate of Italy in the 1300’s. Her pacing of the suspense and adventure is perfectly timed for a downright captivating and challenging read. Lisa’s villain is just as well drawn as the members of the Gifted, each one captivating me with their unique abilities, unique personalities and differing faith journeys. Amidst the intrigue, whispers of romance and swordplay is a message of faith and the importance of God’s timing in our lives not to be missed. Containing all the ingredients for an epic thriller, this series appeals to both men and women and I can’t recommend it enough!

The Betrayed

Lady Daria and Father Piero continue to seek out the lost parts of the Pauline letter they are convinced will light their way. Surrounded by her faithful knights, the young child Tessa with her own gift of discernment, Daria continues to heal and the Gifted’s powers and faith strengthen. The sorcerer feels their spiritual growth and plans well to slowly and methodically destroy Daria’s friends by exposing their weaknesses and taking Daria for his own. Drawn in to a trap by a once faithful friend, Daria’s small band of spiritual warriors and friends are wrongfully accused, sold in to slavery, tortured and slaughtered, and her own soul laid bare. God’s prophecy for the Gifted suddenly seems beyond their grasp.

Lisa Tawn Bergren does not let up in the sequel to The Begotten. In this intensely powerful novel the Gifted are tested beyond their own power to stand firm as the evil one plans a concerted attack to bring Daria to his side. The adventure is gripping and the heartache palpable yet newer members drawn to the Gifted provide comic relief in a world sliding into despair. When I read the last page of The Betrayed and closed the book, I was disappointed not to find myself on one of the islands of Venice, so rich and descriptive is Lisa’s writing!

Piero’s plainness and humility, Gianni’s strength and devotion, Vito’s humour and Hasani’s visions all play a part in this captivating story that leaves you gasping for breath, challenged in your faith and eagerly anticipating the final instalment, The Blessed. Trust me, you want to read these books, live the adventure and delight in their truth.

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One Response to Blog tour of The Begotten & The Betrayed by Lisa Tawn Bergren

  1. Hardly anything makes me happier than a good review–other than a good review from the other side of the world! There’s something cozy and fun to know we’re all reading similar books, around the globe. Thanks for the kind words, Rel. I appreciate it!THE BLESSED was turned into my editor last week–it comes out next fall!Love, Lisa B.

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