Cover Love and Book News: Coming in early 2020 from Revell Books

I love sharing covers on my blog – even when you’ve likely seen most of them already, it’s great to have them in one place, don’t you think? Here’s Revell’s early...

Cover Art & Book News: New design from Francine Rivers and Tyndale House

Francine Rivers’ excellent duology, celebrating women and family, courage and redemption, is being beautifully repackaged for rerelease in April, 2020. I have the original copies of these...

Cover Art & Book News: Coming in early 2020 from Tyndale House

Tyndale House Publishers has some fabulous stories and appealing covers coming readers’ way in early 2020, and I’m finally getting them posted her on the blog. There are none better than...

Cover Reveal: Limited Edition Hardcover Releases from Enclave Publishing

Super excited to share with you two brand new novels – and series – releasing from two of my all time favourite writers and Enclave Publishing. Ronie Kendig’s epically brilliant...

First Line Friday: Melissa Tagg’s Now and Then and Always

Fridays come around quickly and accordingly, First Line Fridays, hosted by Hoarding Books. Today I’m delighted to feature Melissa Tagg’s soon to be released Maple Valley romance, Now and...

Cover Art & Book News: Indie Releases (with giveaway)

Seriously, friends, if you haven’t got your hands or pre-ordered these stories you need to! I’ve paid close attention to independently released books over the past 10 years – they...