Cover Art & Book News: Bethany House, late 2021 releases

These beauties from Bethany House Fiction have been out and about for a while, but I love seeing them all together in one place and I hope you do too! I adore Amy Lynn Green’s cover...

Cover Art & Book News: Bethany House

There’s nothing quite like seeing a new batch of covers and stories to boost my book-loving heart, and don’t we need a boost these days. Bethany House’s early 2021 covers...

Cover Reveal & Book News: Bethany House’s mid 2020 releases

Introducing the latest batch of Bethany House cover and stories, set to release in mid 2020! The lovely team at BHP gave me the go ahead to share these covers – as you might imagine, I never...

First Line Friday: Misty M. Beller’s Hope’s Highest Mountain (with giveaway)

Welcome to another First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books. Today I’m featuring a new to me author, Misty M. Beller, who writes historical romance and her latest novel – and first...

Bethany House Cover Art & Book News, Autumn 2019

Bethany House Publishers have made a name for themselves in the fiction world, in particular for their historical romance and high quality cover art, as proven here with their late 2019 releases...

Cover Art Reveal: Current and Coming Soon Indie Releases

I had lots of fun with this post and am delighted to bring you some recent indie releases and a few to look forward to from some of my favourite authors! This is not a traditional cover art post as...