Top Ten Tuesday: Titles That Would Make Good Band Names
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, was submitted by Michelle, and is a fun play on book titles. There are some great titles of books that would make great band names. So,...
Starfish Pier by Irene Hannon (with giveaway)
A year ago, ex-Delta Force operator Steven Roark left the rigors of combat behind to run fishing charters in Hope Harbor, decompress, and talk some sense into his kid brother. Business is...
A Latte Difficulty (Book 3, The CaFUNated Mysteries) by Angela Ruth Strong
Can two baristas track down a gunman after the espresso shot heard ‘round the world?
When Marissa witnesses an attempted murder during the 4th of July parade, it starts a battle for her...
Kings Falling by Ronie Kendig (with giveaway)
Leif Metcalfe and his team, dubbed Reaper, need to recover the stolen, ancient Book of the Wars if they hope to stop the Armageddon Coalition and their pursuit of global economic control....
Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover
Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Necee here, with my take on being a book lover!
Well, this is a fun topic for all of our book loving hearts. I’m looking...
Top Ten Tuesday: Spring/Fall TBR
Hello all our avid readers, Necee here. I pray all of you are doing well during this stressful time in our world. As I know many of us are a little stressed right now, it is the perfect time to...