Character Spotlight ~ Laura Frantz’s Morrow Little


Courting Morrow Little proves that The Frontiersman’s Daughter was not a one hit wonder! Laura Frantz once again brings us a story of beauty and strength, just like her heroine, Morrow. I hope you enjoy spending time with Morrow and her men 🙂

Over to you, Laura:~

Brief physical description

Morrow is of French descent and very small in stature (described as a “pocket Venus” in 18thcentury terms, or “a petite, cuddly armful”). She is somewhat voluptuous and inclined to plumpness and has dark brown hair threaded with a touch of red. Her most remarkable feature is her eyes – a curious shade of lavender blue.

Actor/famous person

Sophie Marceau (the princess in Braveheart) is also French and has just the right look for Morrow.

Strengths and weaknesses

Since she has grown up with only a father and spinster aunt to guide her, Morrow is a bit naïve about the real world, men in general, and herself in particular. Because of the trauma in her childhood, she struggles with forgiveness and almost misses out on the love of a lifetime. On the positive side, she is very maternal and loves children, babies especially. Her close relationship with her father is another one of her strengths. Though they don’t always see eye to eye on certain matters, she is, for the most part, respectful and loving.

Steven Dillaine as Major McKie

Quirk (if any)

She doesn’t have a clue that she is truly, breathtakingly beautiful and so she is tremendously self-conscious. When men pay her any attention she thinks them strange! In her words, “When I look in the mirror all I see is Morrow Mary Little, too short and too stout, who’s afraid of her own shadow.”

Owen Wilson as Robbie Clay

Your inspiration for the character

Kentucky history, once again 🙂 Growing up immersed in the past (18th and 19th century), I’ve always had a fascination for Indian captivity stories and the relationships between white settlers and natives in frontier America. History has hidden so much from us and books are often inaccurate or one-sided. Because captivity was such a forbidden topic back then, many fascinating tales have been lost to the historical record. Courting Morrow Little combines a beautiful woman with a tragic past, a forbidden hero, and the rest of the story.

Background to the story

Morrow, almost 18, is returning home to Kentucky from Philadelphia where she’s been living with her spinster aunt who is a mantua maker. As she rides downriver to the “howling wilderness,” as it was then called, she begins to have nightmarish memories about her past and must face her many fears. Arriving in the settlement she hasn’t seen in two years, she is unprepared for all the attention men pay her. Of all her potential suitors, only one man captures her heart and he is forbidden. She must make some hard choices about faith, forgiveness, and love as she comes of age in a harsh world.

Jay Tavare as Red Shirt

Laura ~ it is always delightful to have you visit! I have already pencilled you in for a return visit next July to chat about The Colonel’s Lady!

On Thursday, the spotlight shines on Robin Caroll’s Lincoln Vailes & Jade Laurent from her just released suspense novel, Fear No Evil

Relz Reviewz Extras

Reviews of Courting Morrow Little and The Frontiersman’s Daughter

Character spotlight on Lael Click

Visit Laura’s website and blog

Buy Laura’s book at Amazon and Koorong

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11 Responses to Character Spotlight ~ Laura Frantz’s Morrow Little

  1. Rel,
    Thanks so much! Your spotlights are always so fun and interesting. You just have the best of the best over here every day:) Bless you, dear friend!

  2. So much fun! The character pics are PERFECT. And Red Shirt…sigh.
    Thanks for giving us a deeper peek at Morrow's world and the men in her life.

  3. Enjoyed the spotlight…and I'm with Carla on Red Shirt. *wink*

  4. Wow…seeing these photos is great! And Revell did a fantastic job bringing Morrow to life on the cover. Love it!

  5. Julia M. Reffner

    I love these spotlights you do, Rel. What a great idea!

    Laura, Owen Wilson??!! LOL. I'm kind of glad I read this after the book as I would have gone into uncontrollable giggles every time Robbie Clay came on the scene. But I guess it does seem oddly appropriate 🙂

  6. Rel,
    This has been such fun:) Thanks so much to everyone for stopping by and commenting ~ that means so much. I must confess I don't watch much tv/movies and Kaye Dacus, bless her, pointed out to me that Major McKie is actually Stephen Dillaine. Hope I've got that spelling right, though I like the name Jack Davenport much better!

  7. Whoops, make that Stephen Dillane! He was actually quite THE MAN when he portrayed Thomas Jefferson in John Adams. But in this picture he looks sort of sullen and McKie-ish to me:)

  8. Cerella D. Sechrist

    I love this spotlight! In particular, Sophie Marceau seems like she would lend herself well to Morrow. (And I always love to see Owen Wilson pop up!) Nicely done, Laura! 🙂

    Cerella D. Sechrist

  9. Holly (2 Kids and Tired)

    Loved this! I'm not familiar with Sophie Marceau, but I adore Jack Davenport and could totally see him as McKie. I don't know Dillane, but he does have a look about him. I don't know Jay Tavare either, but he would make a handsome Red Shirt.

    Your spotlights are always terrific.

  10. Seriously?! Sorry ladies and thanks Laura & Kaye. To me he looks like the Jack from POTC – LOL! Shows you how much I watch TV, too. Should get my nose out of the books, eh?!

    Loving everyone's comments!

  11. Thanks Cerella and Holly, Julia, Ruth, Jenny, and Carla ~ and Rel! I've sure been blessed by comments here today! Thank you all so much. Now you know why I love Rel and her amazing site:) Wish we didn't have to wait another year to do this again. Bless you all!

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