Character Spotlight ~ Lisa Tawn Bergren’s Marcello, Gabi, Luca & Lia

Marcello, Gabi, Luca & Lia

I’ve long been a fan of Lisa Tawn Bergren’s novels, in fact, I’m pretty sure I have read them all! I adored her series of The Gifted so am thrilled she is returning to Italy, this time in the fourteenth century with her River of Time series for young adults, beginning with Waterfall.

Enjoy this insight into Lisa’s main characters:~

Brief physical description

MARCELLO: I was picturing a Taylor Lautner kind of strength and rugged handsomeness, but with an Italian bent; buff; 6′

GABRIELLA (GABI): long, dark, wavy hair, big brown eyes; classic Italian girl beauty; 5’9″

LUCA: Lighter hair, tall, buff; 6′

LIA: Blond, big blue eyes, California-type beauty; 5’6″

Actor/famous person

MARCELLO: Actor Luca Argentero is closest, but when we chose models for the covers, my idea of them became closer to who we have shown. My only regret from our cover shoot–we couldn’t find a model with hair like Argentero’s and had to go with a wig! (I tried to get my publisher to send me on a scouting mission to Italy but they didn’t go for it.) Here’s a pic of what I had in my head, but longer and tied at the nape of his neck…

GABI: Monica Bellu
ci, but younger–I think our model for the cover is pretty great!

LUCA: Raffaello Balzo. Here’s another picture of Raffaello

LIA: I was thinking of a younger Brittany Daniel, model. She’s supposed to look a lot like her mother, who is 100% Danish. But again, our cover model really became Lia in my head, once we found her.

and weaknesses

MARCELLO: Loyal, passionate and dictatorial (he is a young lord in the making, after all)

GABI: Stro
ng, passionate, wants to do things her way

LUCA: Good supporter, great sense of humor, risk-taker that leads him in to occasional hot water

LIA: Loving, doesn’t want to be left behind

Quirk (if any)

GABI: Hypochondriac tendencies

LIA: Tends to get distracted at times

I guess my guys don’t have any quirks!

Your inspiration for the character

MARCELLO: Quintessential romantic hero, a true knight in shining armor

GABI: Quintessential romantic heroine, with a bit of my daughter Olivia thro
wn in

LUCA: Quintessential romantic hero and funny sidekick (I always love those guys in movies!)

LIA: Quintessential romantic heroine, with a bit of my daughter Emma thrown in

Background to the story

Teens Gabi and Lia are back in Italy for the duration of their summer vacation. This would be a cool thing for most kids, but they spend every summer there, and it’s usually far from any other people their own age…or any activities that are remotely interesting. But when they put their hands on two hand prints inside an ancient Etruscan tomb their mother has discovered, they catapult through time to medieval Italy, and find themselves in the middle of a battle and soon, in love….

I was inspired to write the series because Olivia, my eldest, was a reluctant reader, and it wasn’t until I introduced her to TWILIGHT that she discovered how a story could pull you in and keep you up all night reading.When I went to the first movie with her, and saw all those girls, so engaged in the characters and story, I knew I wanted to write for them too.

Thanks for sharing, Lisa – looking forward to getting my hands on this story 🙂

Relz Reviewz Extras

View the trailer

Visit Lisa’s author website and her travel website

Buy Lisa’s books at Amazon or Koorong

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5 Responses to Character Spotlight ~ Lisa Tawn Bergren’s Marcello, Gabi, Luca & Lia

  1. She has to be in my top 5 favorite authors. I can't wait to read this one.

  2. I've never read any of her books. this one has grabbed my attention though! Putting it on the TBR list!

  3. Thanks, Rel! Fun to dive into the 3D version of my novel with you…

  4. Thanks for dropping by, gals 🙂

    Julie – you should definitely give Lisa's books a go!

    Scrappy quilter – I agree 🙂 Can't wait to read it either.

    Hey Lisa – you did all the hard work!

  5. Juju at Tales of

    I love this. I love seeing who the writer envisioned. Now as I read Cascade, this is how I will imagine them.

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