First Line Friday: Amanda Dykes’ Set the Stars Alight (with giveaway)

Welcome to another First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books. I missed last week’s FLF in a flurry of other tasks and distractions, but I was determined this week to use my FLF to showcase a brilliant story by an exceptional storyteller.

I worked with the lovely Amanda Dykes, many years before she was published, and I knew back then without one doubt that her stories would find a home so a host of readers could experience her way with words and her gentle spirit that shines through them.

Enjoy the first line of her second time slip novel…

First Line

And just like that, the smell is in my mind too!

The Book

Lucy Clairmont’s family treasured the magic of the past, and her childhood fascination with stories of the high seas led her to become a marine archaeologist. But when tragedy strikes, it’s Dashel, an American forensic astronomer, and his knowledge of the stars that may help her unearth the truth behind the puzzle she’s discovered in her family home.

Two hundred years earlier, the seeds of love are sown between a boy and a girl who spend their days playing in a secret sea cave, while the privileged young son of the estate looks on, wishing to join. As the children grow and war leads to unthinkable heartbreak, a story of love, betrayal, sacrifice, and redemption unfolds, held secret by the passage of time.

As Lucy and Dash journey to a mysterious old estate on the East Sussex coast, their search leads them to a community of souls and a long-hidden tale that may hold the answers–and the healing–they so desperately seek.


Amanda Dykes is a drinker of tea, dweller of Truth, and spinner of hope-filled tales. She spends most days chasing wonder and words with her family, who love a good blanket fort and a stack of read-alouds. Give her a rainy day, a candle to read by, and an obscure corner of history to dig in, and she’ll be happy for hours. She’s awed by the strong thread of God’s grace and provision woven through every era, and hopes her stories reflect that grace. A former English teacher with a B.A. in English Education, she is the author of the critically acclaimed Bespoke: a Tiny Christmas Tale, and enjoys connecting with her readers at

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Dykes @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Amanda’s website and blog
FREE novella ebook at Amazon: Up From the Sea
Buy at Amazon: Set the Stars Alight or Koorong

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26 Responses to First Line Friday: Amanda Dykes’ Set the Stars Alight (with giveaway)

  1. Thank you for the chance! I can’t wait to read this book. The cover is beautiful!

  2. I think of Psalm 8:3-4 (NIV) “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”

  3. I am not much of a stargazer, as we live in the city and it’s not easy to see the stars. I do know most of the basic constellations. Good stargazing is much better in the country!

  4. That’s a line that gets your senses going! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  5. Paula Shreckhise

    Exceptional book by Amanda!

    My first line is from DON’T KEEP SILENT by Elizabeth Goddard
    Denver, Colorado
    Dread warred with hope as Rae Burke shivered in the cold outside on the porch.

  6. I’m not really a star gazer. I do enjoy Amanda’s books though. This month we are reading and discussing Whose Waves These Are for book club.

  7. I’m currently reading Georgana’s Secret by Arlem Hawks (a very cool name, btw). I’m on chapter 12, so I’ll share the first line from there: “Seawater made poor wash water.” I think I’d have to agree! Hope you have an excellent weekend. 🙂❤📚

  8. I enjoy looking at the stars, but I’m not obsessed by them. My son is great at astrophysics and has an amazing telescope. He often brings it to family gatherings and lets us see the stars, planets, etc. through it. It’s so fascinating seeing Saturn’s rings and Jupiter’s moons, although sometimes my eyes glaze over from hearing more information than my brain can process! LOL

  9. Happy Friday! I’ve been in the mood to read my old Victorian novels, so my first line is from “St. Elmo” by author Augusta J. Evans. This is not the actual first line, but one that I like for how descriptive it is:

    “Until her wild song waked echoes among the far-off rocks, the holy hush of early morning had rested like a benediction upon the scene, as though nature laid her broad finger over her great lips, and waited in reverent silence the advent of the sun.”

  10. Happy Friday! I’ve been in the mood to read my old Victorian novels, so my first line is from “St. Elmo” by author Augusta J. Evans. This is not the actual first line, but one that I like for how descriptive it is:

    “Until her wild song waked echoes among the far-off rocks, the holy hush of early morning had rested like a benediction upon the scene, as though nature laid her broad finger over her great lips, and waited in reverent silence the advent of the sun.” (Sorry that I used the old email the first time.)

  11. On my blog, I am sharing the first line from the Christian non-fiction, Courage, Hope, and Healing by Mary Pappas. It’s the compelling story of her battle against cancer. Here, I will share the first line from Chapter Five: Staring blankly out of the dining room window, I waited for the telephone to ring.

  12. Love this gorgeous cover! I do like to look at the stars. It reminds me that we are very small in the world but that the possibilities are endless. Thanks!

  13. Happy Friday!!

    Over on my blog I am sharing the first line from Start with Me by Kara Isaac.
    “Of course, this latest allegation has been a huge shock to all of us.”

    Have a lovely weekend!

  14. I love this cover so much!

  15. Danielle Hammelef

    I enjoy looking at the night skies and finding shooting stars and the planets.

  16. Thanks for sharing, Rel!

  17. Such a gorgeous cover! As the daughter of an astronomy teacher, I have enjoyed many stargazing outings. I can’t help but ponder the glory of God and his creation when looking up at the sky on a clear night. Sounds like an amazing book!

  18. I think of God and Heaven and the loved ones I have lost. Thanks for the chance. Nice cover.

  19. Then God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years. Genesis 1:14.

    The SkyView app is an easy way to see constellations.

    I’m excited to read Amanda’s book.

  20. I enjoy looking at the stars. My husband has a telescope that we have used.

  21. The scripture Psalm 8:3-4 “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him?” comes to mind when I see a sky full of stars. We are so little compared to the vast sky, yet God sees every one of us and He cares for every one of us. It always blows my mind 🙂

    Rel, thank you for the chance to win a copy of “Set The Stars Alight”!

  22. Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds

    I pray when I look at the stars and thank Gof for the beauty He has created.

  23. Elizabeth Litton

    I usually contemplate how big the universe is, how awesome God is, and how peaceful the nighttime is. Usually, I can’t even begin to wrap my mind around it all! 😀

  24. I do enjoy looking at the stars, but sometimes I think I like the pictures from deep space more than actually stargazing.

  25. Totally agree, Rel, that Amanda is an exceptional storyteller. Thanks for this opportunity to win her newest book!

  26. I’m so excited to read this book. I hope I win it. 🙂

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