Delighted to have police officer turned author, Janice Cantore, return to Relz Reviewz talking about her newest release, Breach of Honor, a challenging and important novel.
Enjoy learning more Janice, her professional experience, and Breach of Honor.
Interview with Janice
How do you expect Breach of Honor to resonate with your readers?
In bringing attention to domestic abuse, I hope
readers will recognize that it can happen to anyone. The abused are never at
fault. I would hope that anyone in an abusive relationship would get out. I
hope they would realize that there are resources available to them. But they
need to ask for help.
What are you most excited for your readers to experience through reading this novel?
Leah’s rebirth, her rededication to her faith. God
is in everything in this life, the good and the bad. For the believer, He works
ALL things out for good.
Breach of Honor delves into serious, complicated issues like domestic abuse, wrongful prison sentences, and the obstruction of justice. Can you share some of the real-life experience and research that went into crafting the plot of this novel?
When I first started working as a police officer, domestic violence was
a frustrating call to go on. In the late 80s and early 90s, if the abused party
did not want to prosecute, there was nothing we could do. Sometimes, to try and
defuse the issue, we would arrest the aggressor knowing they would be released
the next day if the abused party dropped charges. A lot of women felt trapped;
the man was often the breadwinner, and they knew that if he went to jail, they
would be on the streets, so they put up with abuse. And if the man was the one
being abused, there was shame involved; he would not admit being abused.
Thankfully, the law changed. Sometime in the mid 90s it became possible
for the state to be the victim. We could take the primary aggressor to jail
whether the abused party wanted the person arrested or not. This took emotion
out of it; the concern was making certain that the abuse stopped and the victim
was protected. Shelters sprang up for victims, and more resources became
available. There was also a lot more education available for first responders
to help recognize all forms of abuse, to better equip them to help victims. In
the past, women stayed in abusive relationships because they felt there was no
way out. Now, there is a lot more help available for women to get out and for
abusers to be prosecuted.
As far as people wrongfully convicted of crimes, it’s difficult to find
a hard answer to that. Estimates range from 2.3 percent to 6 percent of all
convictions. There is no way to know for certain. The use of DNA has been a big
help in that area. The sad fact is, when it is proven that someone was wrongfully
convicted, it’s generally because of government misconduct. As far as Brad and
Leah, their story was drawn by me just asking what-if questions over and over.
Sadly, it’s plausible something like that could happen.
As a police officer in Table Rock, Oregon, Leah Radcliff puts her life on the line to help others every day. But at home, Leah’s battling her own personal nightmare: Brad, her abusive husband, a fellow officer, celebrated hero, and beloved son of a powerful prominent family. Brad’s violent outbursts and suspicious activities have left Leah physically and emotionally scarred, until one desperate action to put a stop to his abuse results in deadly consequences.
Though public opinion seems ready to convict Leah, Officer Clint Tanner is one of the few to believe she acted in self-defense. As he works with Leah’s attorney to produce the evidence they need, new truths about Brad’s dark side come to light—and reveal a deep-rooted problem in Table Rock. There are some who have breached their sworn duty to serve and protect . . . and they’ll do anything to keep their secret safe.
What lessons does Breach of Honor teach about justice, community, and accountability within government organizations?
Everyone needs to be held accountable. Accountability keeps everyone
honest. It is true that evil only progresses if left unchecked.
What role does faith play in the story?
Ultimately, the story is Leah’s faith journey. She ran away from God
when she married Brad. But God never moved. He never lets believers run far.
Coming back to faith sustained Leah when she was sent to prison. She realized
early on that she would not survive her sentence with nothing to look forward
to. Her father’s message that he would always pray for her reignited a faith
she’d been running away from.
What was your favorite thing about crafting the romance plot in Breach of Honor?
I liked the idea that Clint liked Leah from afar. He prayed for her and
stuck by her when things looked bad. Also, he saw and recognized what happened
to her. Though she was charged with a horrific crime, he never lost faith that
eventually she would be vindicated.
What inspired you to start writing novels based on your experience as a police officer?
I’ve always loved mystery/suspense novels. A cop as the main character
was always a plus. Joseph Wambaugh was kind of the gold standard for cop novels
in the 80s, but as good as his books were, they were too hard-bitten and at
points a bit depressing. I always liked the good guys winning, and I wanted the
endings of my stories to uplift and not depress. Reading Randy Alcorn’s Deadline
showed me that the Christian message had a place in suspense fiction. As a
Christian, I recognize the importance of faith in fact and fiction. Everyone
struggles with something. In my novels there is always a faith journey, the end
of which falls in line with what the Bible promises. It’s my way of getting
faith messages out to people who might never pick up a Bible.
What do you enjoy most about being an author?
That I can work where I want. That means in general and on a day-to-day
basis. I can work in my office or in a coffee shop. And I can live in Hawaii; I
love that!
Can you tell us a bit about any upcoming projects you’re working on, now that you’re releasing Breach of Honor?
My work in progress has a working title of Saving Grace. It’s the story of Danni Grace, an officer who is injured during a riot and struggles with the idea of working for a public that seemingly hates her. She is trained to help in emergencies and used to running toward danger instead of away from it. Would she really be happy leaving law enforcement for something else?
Thanks Janice!
Janice Cantore is a retired Long Beach police officer who now writes suspense novels to keep readers engrossed and leave them inspired. Her twenty-two years of experience on the force lend authenticity to her stories. She has penned twelve novels: the Line of Duty series, the Cold Case Justice series, the Pacific Coast Justice series, Critical Pursuit, Visible Threat, and Breach of Honor.
I have read her Pacific Coast Justice series a few years ago and I have her Line of Duty series in paperback on my shelf yet-to-read. I really love her stories because of the police procedural and how she brings her experience to the pages!
Thank you for the chance to win a copy of “Breach of Trust” Rel!
By the way, I went to follow her on Twitter and it said that her account didn’t exist. So I tried to look her up by name but it still came up with nothing. Maybe she’s not on Twitter anymore? Just thought you’d like to know 🙂
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July 13, 2021 at 11:22 pm
I’ve read all of her books and really like how she brings her ‘true life’ experience of being a police officer to her characters.
July 14, 2021 at 2:52 am
I actually have a few books of hers but have yet to read them. My poor TBR pile….
July 14, 2021 at 10:20 pm
I haven’t read any of Janice’s books yet, but I’m really looking forward to it.
July 14, 2021 at 10:36 pm
Breach of Honor was my first Janice Cantore book. I enjoyed it! My favorite character was Nora.
Nice interview! Good to learn more about the author.
July 15, 2021 at 2:18 am
She is new to me. I love reading books that feature law enforcement of any kind. Thanks for the chance.
July 15, 2021 at 2:45 am
Sounds great. I look forward to reading.
July 15, 2021 at 7:39 am
Janice is a new author for me.
July 15, 2021 at 9:35 am
I have not read anything by her yet.
July 16, 2021 at 12:34 pm
I have read her Pacific Coast Justice series a few years ago and I have her Line of Duty series in paperback on my shelf yet-to-read. I really love her stories because of the police procedural and how she brings her experience to the pages!
Thank you for the chance to win a copy of “Breach of Trust” Rel!
By the way, I went to follow her on Twitter and it said that her account didn’t exist. So I tried to look her up by name but it still came up with nothing. Maybe she’s not on Twitter anymore? Just thought you’d like to know 🙂
July 17, 2021 at 1:09 am
I love her books! The story lines seem realistic!
July 20, 2021 at 5:35 am
I’ve loved all the Janice Cantore books I’ve read.