Jenny B. Jones: Discover more…and a giveaway

Jenny B Jones


Discover more about

Jenny B. Jones

and her contemporary romance

Can’t Let You Go

A Katie Parker Production


The last book that made me cry was…This is so silly, but my own. I’m not a crier at all. Like never. But I was writing this scene that involves two characters that have shared four books together. They started as teenage best friends, and seven years later one of them is getting married, and they’re having a final chat before the wedding starts. And they know they’ll never be the same. The friendship will never be the same. Life is pulling them in new directions, and their childhood friendship is over. And it’s like I was right in the room with them. I wrote that scene in a closet at work during lunch and just completely teared up in that icky room hunched over my laptop.

The last book that made me laugh out loud was…A little known fact about me is that my favorite genre is historical romance. I recently read Tessa Dare’s last novel, and it made me laugh a handful of times. Another one was the newest release by Kristin Higgins called In Your Dreams. I rarely laugh out loud in a book, but this one did it. You can tell the author set her filter aside and just went for it. The humor totally shines. Very organic and smile inducing.

I’m completely immersed in their storytelling, whenever I read a book by…Susan Elizabeth Phillips. She’s my favorite author of all time.

The first person who encouraged me to pursue my writing was…Probably my first grade teacher. We’re both now librarians. 🙂 My step-dad really encouraged me as well. He didn’t live to see his book dedication, something that I’ve always regretted.

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be…I’ve never not worked in my alternate job. I’ve always worked in education and really like what I do as a junior high media specialist. Aside from that my dream job (which changes by the day) would be to buy ranch homes from the 70s and 80s and flip them.

I write stories because…I like to make people laugh.

Can’t Let You GoCan't Let You Go

An old love whose kisses make her weak, but whose secrets threaten to destroy all she holds dear… 

Fresh out of college, Katie Parker had it all—a charming romance, a role in a famous stage production, and an idyllic life in London. Until she found her boyfriend cheating and got herself fired from the play. Leaving everything behind, Katie hops a plane home, only to run into her first love, Charlie Benson. As the couple returns to In Between, Katie questions everything she ever thought she wanted—including a renewed romance with her high school flame. 

While she attempts to rebuild her life, Katie’s plan to manage the family’s theater meets a devastating obstacle, dragging her into a legal battle that will rock her small town. And the boy who once broke her heart seems to have the power to do it again. As Charlie’s secrets unravel, Katie must make a choice. Can she overcome her past and trust Charlie with her heart again? 

My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives…Romantic, small-town, Southern, character-driven, hopefully fun

Now Katie is older, she is…Twenty-three and at a point where she is part-adult, part-child. She’s in a place where fears she’s previously ignored are knocking on her door, and if she wants to move forward in life, she’s gotta let them in and deal with them once and for all.

Charlie is…Alpha, sweet, complicated, a protector, carrying a secret or two

JBJactorsKatie and Charlie resemble…The photos I had posted as I wrote were of a red-headed Emma Stone and that cutie Theo James.

Writing about Katie and Charlie again was…A lot of fun. I loved playing with the whole second-chance-at-love thing. They have a history, and it’s right there simmering every time they’re together.

Mad Maxine is the best character because…I could talk all day about this character. She’s the most fun writing I’ve ever had. If I could put her in every book I would. She has no filter, is the crazy family member everyone has, is not to be underestimated, and loves fiercely. It’s pure joy to write about her unlikely best-friendship with a girl who is about 50 years younger than she is. Maxine pretty much writes herself. She’ll live on in some fashion in my next series.

My story’s spiritual theme is…The story’s spiritual message is the lightest and broadest I’ve ever done, something I have long, long wanted to do. I like letting the reader decide what it means to her. This book is not Christian fiction. Just a book written by a Christian about Christian characters.

If I was 23 again, I would…(of course, we know you are only 24!!) Oh, Rel, I wouldn’t change a thing about last year.

The most recent movie or tv show I loved was… Why? Castle just started for the season, so I’m loving that. I just finished up the first half of the Outlander series, but I don’t know that I’ll be sticking with it. WHAT ABOUT YOU, REL?? Well, we have just started The Musketeers – only two eps in so no verdict yet, and are re-watching The West Wing (ahem…for the fourth time!) with our eldest girl – she’s loving it.

The story I’m currently working on is…I’m not sure. I wrote a YA last year that I need to dress up and send to the party, but I might let it sit for a bit and start something new.

You may not know this about me, but I…Was a stunt double for a few Victoria’s Secret models.

I might go all fan girl if I met…I think I would dissolve into a sobbing heap if I met Carol Burnett. She’s my life-long hero and has had an immense impact on my life. She does comedy like a brilliant genius. She’s an incredible study in the art and science of humor.P1030165-001

If I could travel back in time, I’d go to…The ACFW conference in 2013 to hang out with a girl named Rel. She brought me cookies. Biscuits, Jen, or at least bikkies! And I’m jumping in that time machine, too!

I get lost in the music when I listen to…Some good blue grass, show tunes, modern country, some fun pop. I listen to music daily.

A long held dream of mine is…For George Clooney to lift that restraining order on me. I think that ship has just sailed, Jen!

Thank you, dear Jen!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Finley & Beckett

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66 Responses to Jenny B. Jones: Discover more…and a giveaway

  1. I am so glad Jenny is writing again, and this book looks completely amazing.

  2. Last book to make me laugh? Probably Jenny’s. I loooove her sense of humor.

  3. “A Match of Wits” by Jen Turano. In fact all of Jen’s books have made me laugh out loud. Her writing is fabulous!!

  4. This was a great way to start my morning!
    I’d be right there “dissolving” with Jenny if I ever had the chance to meet Carol Burnett. My family is wearing out the DVDs of the Carol Burnett show.
    Love the idea of a light and broad spiritual truth in this novel.
    And, um, don’t know about that restraining order being lifted now that there’s a Mrs. Clooney, Jenny.

  5. I love all of your books, Jenny! I am so excited to read “Can’t Let You Go.”

    Some of my favorite books that make me laugh out loud are “Hope” by Lori Copeland, “It Had to Be You” by Linda Windsor, The Salinger Sisters series by Shari MacDonald, and of course, Jenny’s books always make me laugh!

  6. The last book that made me laugh out loud was the novella Identical Diffferences by Erynn Mangum. It was super cute and funny 🙂 I would suggest any of her books to fans of Jenny B. Jones! They both have talent for writing fresh, funny stories with positive messages and strong, witty characters 🙂

  7. The last book the I read that made me laugh out loud was Miss Match by Erynn Mangum. So funny…oh the situations they got into. So many hilarious awkward moments.

  8. The last book that made me laugh out loud was Can’t Let You Go! I got the digital edition but it’s just not the same as having a real book in your hands 🙂

  9. I love your books, Jenny. I laughed so much both times I read Save The Date.
    The last book to make me laugh right out loud was A Match of Wits by Jen Turano. Now, Mary Connealy does it, too, and so does Ann B. Ross.

  10. I love all Jenny. B. Jones’ books. They are amazing, and I can’t wait to read this one.

  11. Oh, i forgot to answer the question. The last book that made me laugh was The Katie Parker Series. Love those books

  12. To be honest, I don’t even remember what the last book I read that me laugh out loud was. I love Jennny B. Jones’s books though. She is my favorite author. I would pretty much read anything she writes. I have been kind of busy lately so I haven’t gotten to read lately, but I am definitely going to add Can’t Let You Go to my reading list. I’m sure it will be a great book.

  13. Jenny’s books made me laugh and Amy Matayo’s books made me laugh!

  14. This is awesome 🙂 Last book to make me laugh out loud was probably Save the Date by jenny b jones herself actually. Read it many times and it always cracks me up!

  15. I honestly can’t remember the last book I read that made me laugh out loud. I don’t get the chance to read as much as I’d love to. Jenny’s books always make me laugh though! The

  16. The last book that made me laugh…it had to be “Just Between You And Me” by Jenny Jones. I hadn’t had a chance to read it until just recently and I still laugh so hard over the conversation between Riley and her aunt over a short story Riley was to read as school work about Helen Keller. Riley’s aunt quizzed her about what she read and she tells her aunt, “Helen was a midget who wanted to play in the WNBA, but nobody believed in Helen”. To which the aunt says, “Helen Keller was deaf and blind”. Riley replies back, “Man, and with the height issue…she’s really got it rough.” Too comical. I could so see that being an actual conversation between a teacher and a student…wonder if that’s where Jenny got that snippet??? As I’m recovering from recent surgery, I’m now reading the Charmed Life series…and it’s hilarious too. The poor “rich NYC kid” out of a farm in rural Oklahoma with a step dad who’s dream it’s been to always be a professional wrestler…and he works for a paper factory…the kind that manufactures maxi pads!!! Priceless!!! Sometimes as I’m reading I get to laughing so hard over the book that it actually hurts my incision…but is so worth it 🙂

  17. The last book I read that made me laugh out loud was actually “Can’t Let You Go”

  18. I love Mad Maxine! One of my favorite laugh out loud books is Jenny’s “Save the Date”! I’ve read that book at least 3 times! Such a favorite of mine! Thank you for the giveaway!

  19. The last book to make me laugh was Can’t Let You Go…Maxine is just so tactless it always gets me! And just the descriptions in general…”The light. ‘Turn it off.’ Jesus needed to turn his high beams down Glory was painfully bright.” I want to know what it is like to think like that….

    I never had a favorite author until I read Jenny B. Jones. She now holds that title. I’ve read all her books twice (except the newest one because I’m not done with it yet) and some of them three times. She’s the only author that actually gets me to laughing out loud when reading. I think her charm is in that she writes exactly like a girl thinks. (or maybe it’s just me…) She’s soooo relateable and fun! I was so incredibly thrilled she wrote her latest book! I never buy kindle books, but I immediately bought this one because I was so excited for some new Jenny B. Jones magic!

    She also wins crazy points for having my name….okay….I guess she did technically have it first…but I think she would agree that Jenny’s are the best….

  20. the last book that made me laugh aloud was the book i am currently reading: Night of a Thousand Stars by Deanna Raybourn. She has a fabulous sense of humour

    In the CBA, Katie Ganshert’s novella An October Bride made me giggle

  21. Save the Date was the last book that made me laugh! I’m not even sure how many times I’ve read that book now. It’s just as good every time I re-read it!

  22. Hmm, last book to make me guffaw would be either Return to Chocolate by Erynn Mangum or Greetings From the Flipside by Cheryl McKay. Love these writers, but am so excited to read Jenny’s latest as she is guaranteed to make me laugh out loud. 🙂

  23. All of Jenny’s books make me laugh! Another author is Christy Barritt’s Hazardous duty series.

  24. That would be A Match of Wits.

  25. Jenny’s back! So thrilled about that. The last book I read that made me laugh outloud was Mary Connealy’s Tried & True. That girl can write humor, too.

  26. Thanks, everyone. You all are so kind and encouraging. Absolutely made my day.

  27. I love Jenny’s sense if humor. Such fun reading her books. Unfortunately I have to use the library and have only found 3 of her books there. I keep checking for more. Loved reading Save the Date, Just Between You and Me, and There You’ll Find Me.

  28. Yay, Jenny is back. Hallelujah!

    The last book that made me laugh out loud was Pride, Prejudice and Cheese Grits by Mary Jane Hathaway. There’s a line in a scene where the heroine is appalled at herself for going all mushy over the hero that had me gasping for air.

  29. The last book to make me LOL was Jan Karon’s At Home in Mitford!!

  30. Laugh out loud…I’m not sure. I’ve definitely read some more thought provoking ones lately – particularly Cindy Woodsmall’s latest. This probably means I need to find something lighter to read next!

  31. The last book I read that made me laugh out loud was Seeking Unseen by Kat Heckenbach.

  32. I would have to say Save the Date. I just recently read it and enjoyed every minute.

  33. I’m actually listening to an audiobook version of Princess Ever After. I think it’s by Rachel Hauck, and it has a few humorous moments. The reader is terrific!

  34. I’ve read several of Jenny’s books and loved them all, Especially Save the Date.
    I’d have to say the last book that I read that made me laugh out loud was “Georgia on her Mind” by Rachel Hauck, it was really great, her books never disappoint. 🙂

  35. So excited about this book! I always laugh so much when I’m reading Jenny’s stories to the point that my sister I share a room with gets annoyed and asks me not to read them when she’s going to sleep! I can’t wait to read more of Katie’s story!
    I tend to laugh out loud whenever something is funny so it’s pretty safe to say the last book I read is the last book I laughed out loud during! The authors that keep me laughing the most are Melissa Tagg, Jen Turano, and Jenny B. Jones!

  36. Oh, I can’t think of a title off the top of my head but I love how Mary Connealy and Janice Thompson/Hannah can make me laugh!

  37. Love Jenny’s books and they make me LOL and also Elizabeth White’s Fair Game had me LOL. Thanks Rel and Jenny

  38. The last book that made me laugh was Can’t Let You Go by no other than Jenny B. Jones.

  39. Oh how I’ve missed the fun and unique voice of Jenny B Jones. Love this new story. Please don’t make us wait long for another one.

  40. Oh, I love this author!! Why isn’t she writing more books. Very excited about this release.

  41. Can I just say: it’s great to finally have a new book out from Jenny B. Jones!! I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. 😉 And honestly, I can’t remember the last book I read that I laughed out loud. Crying and laughing: it’s hard to make it happen with me. Jenny always makes me laugh though. I do have to say that. 🙂

  42. The last book I read that made me laugh out loud was The Bridge Tender – most of it is a bittersweet story, but there were a few times that were laigh out loud momentd

  43. The last book I read that made me laugh out loud was Th Iciing on the Cake by Janice Thompson. I love her books and they always make me laugh 🙂

  44. A new author for me……would love to read this book!

  45. Looks like I am long overdue to read a book that made me laugh since I don’t remember one! Jenny is a new author for me. I would love to read “Can’t Let You Go”.


  46. It’s been so long since I read something that made me laugh, I can’t remember what it was. I read mostly serious stuff, but I know I have read things that made me laugh, because I was self conscious when I did it. People who are usually alone don’t have much opportunity to laugh.

  47. I just finished reading the first book in Jenny’s Katie Parker series. I Love it and am hooked on it! I can’t wait to see what happens next with Katie and her foster family and friends! She had me laughing at all the antics she got into with her foster grandmother Maxine! Lol

  48. I just finished book one in this series after getting it for free on Kindle and went in search of what happens next. I laughed out loud several times at Katie and Maxine. I can’t wait to read the rest of these books!

  49. Love Jenny B. Jones! And the last book that made me laugh out loud would have to be The Big Picture by Jenny B. Jones, obviously! (;

  50. The last book i read that had me laughing waz by erynn mangum. love jennys’ books!!!

  51. Beverly Patterson

    The last book I read that made me laugh out loud was Courting Rosie. I can’t remember the author’s name. 🙁

  52. When I stopped to think of the books that have made me laugh out loud, the ones that come to mind are the books shared with my Granddaughter. Bedtime reading
    is such a joy filled with laughter and loads of hugs.

  53. Probably There You Find Me by Jenny B. Jones 🙂 loved it!!

  54. The last book that made me laugh out loud was paper towns by john green

  55. The last book I read that I laughed at was anything written by Mary Connealy! Of course, she’s just as funny in person. Glad to see you have a new book, Jenny!!! I’m going to use your new book as my next TBR on my blog tomorrow just to celebrate and let everyone know.

  56. The last book that made me laugh out loud was Meant to Be Mine by Becky Wade.

  57. last book that really made me laugh was definitely Jenny’s Charmed Life Series!

  58. The recent read that made me laugh was: Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck

  59. The last book that made me laugh out loud? That would have to be my trigonometry book…it said that the next exercise would be easy…yeah right! Actually the last novel which had me squealing and laughing on my bed would be Jenny B Jones’ “So Not Happening.” The misadventures of Bella crack me up every time!

  60. I’m sorry but I don’t remember which book made me laugh as much. There are many times when I read that I laugh tho, and also cry. I would love to win this book. I need one of Jenny’s books. Everyone on here seems to love her books. Thanks! Maxie

  61. Fantastic Q&A, ladies. Love that you’re back to writing, Jenny and as always, I am anxious to read your new novel – it’s so happening soon. Just have to read those books with a blog tour date first. 🙂

    Yay for ‘Castle.’ Love that show.

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