Joanna Davidson Politano & A Rumored Fortune (with giveaway)

The Writer & her Book (73)

Joanna returns with A Rumored Fortune, her second historical romance novel laced with enough suspense to keep you wondering! Joanna talks about climbing her maple tree to read, The Piano Guys, and the inspiration behind her hero. Enjoy getting to know a little bit more about Joanna and enter the giveaway below for your chance to win!



Why do you tell stories?

I tell stories because of the incredible truths that are buried in their layers. It’s not so much that I strive to teach these truths to other people as much as I want to untangle them, through story, for myself. Publishing books has allowed me to lay those journeys of discovery before other people, and perhaps they find their own truths in it, or maybe they’re simply entertained by the story. Either way, it’s a unique way to connect my heart to God’s, then connect it to a world of strangers.

Your favourite place to read

When I was younger, I used to climb into a big maple tree in my yard. It had one giant limb that curved up like an arm holding me, and it felt so inviting. These days, I usually sneak in reading time where and when I can, but I love to sit on my back deck when the kids are napping and the weather is nice.

Best meal of the day

Breakfast! I’m a cereal junkie and I also love the fresh start to a new day. It’s a fun time to spend with my kids, too.

Most beloved childhood book

I loved The Little Prince for its deeper truths and what it said about growing up. I also loved everything Roald Dahl wrote, because his writing stretched my imagination in fun, quirky ways.

Whose music inspires you?

I love listening to The Piano Guys while I write. Their music is so full of energy and passion, but they also have fun and don’t take themselves too seriously. Nichole Nordeman has always inspired me as well with her authentic lyrics and powerfully sweet voice.

What ice-cream flavour would you be?

Probably a vanilla with caramel swirl, but after a few sleepless nights with newborns, I feel more like a rocky road.

The most recent novel you read

Kristy Cambron’s The Lost Castle—her most amazing work yet, and she’s a fantastic author!

What’s your current book recommendation?

The book above is the best one I’ve read in a while.

Name a book character you can’t forget

Daphne Du Maurier’s Rebecca, and the book’s much quieter heroine.

Dream travel destination

As far as places I haven’t yet been, I would love to go to Israel to experience the setting of the Bible.

A Rumored Fortune

A Rumored Fortune

Tressa Harlowe’s father did not trust banks, but neither did he trust his greedy extended family. He kept his vast fortune hidden somewhere on his estate in the south of England and died suddenly, without telling anyone where he had concealed it. Tressa and her ailing mother are left with a mansion and an immense vineyard and no money to run it. It doesn’t take long for a bevy of opportunists to flock to the estate under the guise of offering condolences. Tressa knows what they’re really up to. She’ll have to work with the rough and rusticated vineyard manager to keep the laborers content without pay and discover the key to finding her father’s fortune–before someone else finds it first.

Award-winning author Joanna Davidson Politano welcomes readers to Trevelyan Castle, home of the poorest heiress in Victorian England, for a treasure hunt they’ll not soon forget.

What was the working title?

I called it The Vineyard’s Secret which referred to the fortune the characters wanted to find, with the vineyard somehow pointing toward where it was, but also the deeper spiritual truths encased in the vineyard.

Describe your book in 5 adjectives

Mysterious, surprising, romantic, hopeful, tender

Which character did you enjoy writing most?

The hero in this story has some of the most blunt—and fun—lines in the book. He’s so true and solid with some powerful strengths, even though he isn’t as refined and well-spoken as men the heroine is used to being around. He is based on my own real-life hero, so writing this character was incredibly special and touching for me.

Which character gave you the most grief?

Probably the villain, who was not who I expected.

What emotions do you think your story will generate in readers?

I hope the heroine’s quest for a richer life and connection will resonate with readers and that they’ll taste the sweetness of the treasure she found in her search.

What emotions did you experience while writing this story?

It was a difficult one to write, since I had to start around the time my son was born and I wasn’t sleeping much. I wrote when he napped, but creativity was difficult, and I had trouble pinning this story to the page. I was, like the heroine, regularly throwing myself before God to ask for help in untangling this story the way the heroine needed help untangling the mystery of the fortune she sought. The process was a wonderful experience because the difficulty this story presented drove me constantly before the Lord, urging me constantly toward a new intimacy with him that was incredible. Leaning on him through this process was a precious experience.

How do you choose your characters names?

I love looking through names and often a name’s meaning is a deciding factor for me. I want them to somehow express an important element of who the character is. The hero, Donegan Vance, is also named after his real-life inspiration.

Thanks Joanna!

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22 Responses to Joanna Davidson Politano & A Rumored Fortune (with giveaway)

  1. My favourite English era to read about is Regency.

    I love that the author would read in a tree. My younger sister and I would escape outside to read in a tree also. There was always work to do on our farm and that was one place our mother couldn’t find us.

  2. I’ve always been fascinated by the medieval era. Of course it helps that authors like Tamara Leigh and Joyce diPastena help bring it alive.

  3. Since meeting the uber talented Tamara Leigh medieval is now my favorite.

  4. I love Regency, but honestly am open to any time period as long as the book is good! I can’t wait to read A Rumored Fortune,the plot sounds so intriguing!

  5. I like reading about all the English eras but am partial to stories set during the World Wars years. I admire the English spirit as they faced the hardships that war brought.

  6. My favorite English era to read about is Regency!! I love it!

  7. I think that the Regency era was fascinating but honestly I enjoy a variety of fiction! I learn something new from every book!

  8. My favorite English era is Regency.

  9. Danielle Hammelef

    Victorian is my favorite.

  10. I would have to agree with the majority and say Regency is my favorite era. The book sounds very interesting. I look forward to reading it.

  11. I am halfway through this book and am having a hard time putting it down. Reading it makes me want to go back and re-read her début novel, Lady Jayne Disappears again!!!!

    I tend toward Regency…..

  12. My favorite English era would be Regency. I have no idea how you wrote this with a newborn. It sounds fantastic!

  13. It is a toss-up between Medieval and Regency. Though I wouldn’t turn done a good Victorian era novel.

  14. I love the Regency era. Jane Austen is a big reason why I love that time period.

  15. Regency era is my favorite.

  16. Kathleen Newberry

    Regency, I have many books in the Regency era and they talk about the gentleman being in the war and I say to myself I have a Thomas Ingram who was at Waterloo and other places.

  17. I’m equally enamored with Regency and Medieval. My affinity for Regency started with Jane Austen back when I was a teen which spurred my love for historical romance. Yet, at the same time, I love a Scottish brogue from Medieval times. I’m kind of superficial like that. Lol.

  18. That’s a difficult question as I’m drawn to most eras of English fiction. I really love Regency as It brings t kind all things Jane Austen, though I’ll happiu read about whatever era you set in front of me!

  19. My favorite is the Victorian era, though I do love Regency stories, too!

    This was a fun interview, ladies!

  20. In the last few years I have come to enjoy reading about medieval England a lot.

    BTW, I have to say Rebecca is one of my favorite novels too. It’s one I so wish I could re-read again for the first time.

  21. My favorite historical fiction is Regency and Biblical! Thank you for this chance to win.

  22. I like reading about the Victorian era.

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