Mary Connealy: This or That (with giveaway)

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Mary Connealy is back with her second Sierra Sweethearts novel, The Reluctant Warrior. Venture back in time with a reluctant hero and woman determined to care for children not her own. Throw in Mary’s signature humour and you have an absorbing and fun read ahead. For now, have more fun learning Mary’s preferences in all things and enter the giveaway below, thanks to the generous folk at Bethany House.

Over to you, Mary…


Cake or Cookies


Call or Text

I’m old school…Call

Coke or Pepsi

It’s gotta be Diet Coke.

Dogs or Cats

Tough one. Dogs I guess, but I like cats.

Eggs or Pancakes

Eggs, because I’m low-carb, drat it!

Facebook or Twitter

Facebook, I think I’m missing the boat on Twitter.

First person or Third person

Oh third person definitely

Instagram or Pinterest

Instagram which is only slightly ahead of Neither

Marvel or DC

Well, Hmmm…I’m going with DC but they just fired Henry Cavill, the current Superman and I am DEVASTATED!!!

High Sierra Sweethearts poster

Paperback or EBook

Oh easy, paperback. And I don’t even know why. I have an ereader and I like it, I just always fold back into a paperback.

Summer or Winter

On the hottest, sweatiest, mosquito-iest, most miserable windless day in the dog days of August – I still hate winter.

Sweet or Spicy

Well, I didn’t get into this shape by being picky, so I like both, but…sweet.

Tattoos or Piercings

Ick Piercing, one hole per ear that should be the law.

Tea or Coffee

Tea, I’m currently on an Oolong kick.

Thornton or Darcy 

This is hard, going with Darcy

Yoga Pants or Jeans

Hah! Yoga pants No contest.

Zoo or Aquarium

There is a fantastic aquarium at the Omaha Zoo so I do NOT have to choose. But if I did….Zoo

Thank you, Mary!

The Reluctant Warrior

Fast Facts (28)

The Reluctant Warrior

Union army officer Cameron Scott is used to being obeyed, but nothing about this journey to Lake Tahoe has gone as expected. He’s come to fetch his daughter and nephew, and seek revenge on the people who killed his brother. Instead he finds himself trapped by a blizzard with two children who are terrified of him and stubborn but beautiful Gwen Harkness, who he worries may be trying to keep the children.

When danger descends on the cabin where they’re huddled, Cam is hurt trying to protect everyone and now finds Gwen caring for him too. He soon realizes why the kids love her so much and wonders if it might be best for him to move on without them. When she sees his broken heart, Gwen decides to help him win back their affection–and in the process he might just win her heart as well.Mary Blue

Mary Connealy writes romantic comedy with cowboys always with a strong suspense thread. She is a two time Carol Award winner, and a Rita, Christy and Inspirational Reader’s Choice finalist. She is the bestselling author of over books and novellas.

Her most recent book series are: High Sierra Sweethearts, Garrison’s Law, Cimarron Legacy, Wild at Heart, Trouble in Texas, and Kincaid Bride for Bethany House Publishing. She’s also written four other series for Barbour Publishing and many novellas and several stand-alone books for multiple publishers.

Mary receives a milestone pin from ACFW this year for writing over 50 books, with nearly a million books in print. She has a degree in broadcast communications with an emphasis in journalism and has worked at her local newspaper.

Find Mary online at:
Petticoats & Pistols
My Website

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Connealy @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Mary’s websiteblogSeekerville, and Petticoats & Pistols
Buy from Amazon: The Reluctant Warrior or Koorong


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42 Responses to Mary Connealy: This or That (with giveaway)

  1. I, too, was DEVASTATED when Henry Cavill was fired as Superman!! Biggest. Mistake. Ever!!!

  2. There is nothing like drinking a cup of tea and reading a good book (preferably one made of paper, but I’m not picky, lol)!

  3. I also prefer tea, and I have an increasing fondness for oolong; I’m expecting some NovelTeas soon, which includes one called Pippi Oolongstocking (though I admit it’s the name and tin that tempt me even more than the tea inside).

  4. Quite a few of my preferences matched with Mary’s including (but not limited to): cookies, paperback, and summer. I also had a hard time choosing between Thornton and Darcy 😉

  5. Several of mine matched Mary’s….I love paperback books, cookies are so very yummy, dogs are my favorite even though I grew up a cat person. I love all of her stories.

  6. Facebook and third person.

  7. Paula Shreckhise

    I agree with Mary on qite a few things: paperbacks, Facebook, tea, summer, piercings. Would love to read this book because I read the last one!

  8. I have quite a few things in common with Mary Connealy! paperbacks. cookies. facebook. sweets.
    I’d love to read this book! 🙂

  9. Call, Facebook, Third Person, Paperback

  10. I have a Kindle, but love my paperbacks and read them much more often!

  11. Cookies! All the way. But really, why not both? 😉

  12. Cookies, Call, Eggs, Coke, Third Person, Paperback, 2 Piercings, Zoo. We don’t have much in common o this list! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com

  13. Cookies, third person, paperbacks, eggs.

    I need to get my hands on “The Reluctant Warrior”, I loved book one “The Accidental Guardian”.

    • The Reluctant Warrior is on sale in ebooks RIGHT NOW, Amanda. Go grab it. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, any format you want. And you can download an app to your phone or other device so you do NOT need to buy a Kindle or Nook to get an ebook.

  14. I agree on paperbacks, cookies, Facebook, piercings. I prefer Dr. Pepper. This book is on my wish list. It would be great to win a copy.

  15. I agreed with Mary’s answers on most things, but not Instagram, I don’t care one way or the other about Marvel or DC, I like both first and third person books, and no yoga pants for me. I could live in jeans.
    I love Mary’s books so I really enjoyed this interview.

  16. I too, love paperbacks even though ebooks are easier to read at night in the car when hubby drives.

  17. Paperback and I live in Lincoln so the Zoo here has gotten Giraffe’s in the last 6 weeks 2 female and 1 male so between that and a few new exhibits looking forward to the zoo next year.

  18. I love paperbacks, summer and tea as much as Mary!

  19. I also like paperbacks, summer, and yoga pants.

  20. I live in yoga pants, Anita!!! Being comfortable is now my Ground Zero.

  21. Paperbacks and tea equal bliss!

  22. I love romantic paperbacks and this is a book I want to read, I love love stories

  23. I like cookies and tea!

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