Sneak Peek at Veiled Freedom by Jeanette Windle

Jeanette Windle is a favourite author of mine so I am thrilled I only have to wait a few more months before her next release. Her books combine suspense, political intrigue, action and romance and I’m sure Veiled Freedom will be no different!

Check it out:~

Land of the Free . . . Home of the Brave

Kabul, 2001—American forces have freed Afghanistan from the Taliban. Kites have returned to the skies. Women have removed their burqas. There is dancing in the streets.

Eight years later, Afghanistan is a far cry from those first images of a country freed from Taliban rule. When Special Forces veteran Steve Wilson returns to Kabul as security chief to the minister of interior, he is disillusioned with the corruption and violence that has overtaken the country he fought to free.

Relief worker Amy Mallory arrives in Afghanistan ready to change the world. She soon discovers that as a Western woman, the challenges are monumental.

Afghan native Jamil returns to his homeland seeking work, but a painful past continues to haunt him.

All three are searching for truth and freedom when a suicide bombing brings them together on Kabul’s dusty streets. But what is the true source of freedom—and its cost?

Releasing May, 2009 from Tyndale

Relz Reviewz Extras

Read the first chapter of Veiled Freedom here

Jeanette has recently hit the blogosphere with her blog, From the Eye of the Storm. It is well worth checking out.

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5 Responses to Sneak Peek at Veiled Freedom by Jeanette Windle

  1. My goodness!! I read her post about democracy after reading about this book….I bet this will be an unforgettable read!

  2. P.S. There was a lovely compliment paid to you by John Aubrey Anderson today! You do so much for everyone!Look who is in my Window today!(berlysue dot blogspot dot com)

  3. I just wanted to stop by and say Hi from a fellow Melburnian book reviewer! I have enjoyed browsing around your blog.

  4. Oooh, thanks for the head’s up on Jeanette’s blog! I LOVED Crossfire. I have a couple of her other books I need to read, too. She’s definitely a favorite author. 🙂 Looking forward to this one, too!

  5. I was just thinking about this book the other day and how I hadn’t heard anything about it since she talked about it while promoting Betrayed. Thanks for the heads up Rel! I can’t wait to read this. (my word verification is rawkme. 😉 ha)

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